Why is Govt so desperate to exile Seeraj?

Dear Editor,
Several news outlets have reported that Seeraj Dharamkumar has been tipped as High Commissioner to New Delhi. [India]. The position has been left vacant for 18 months. The government has not found a fit and proper replacement since the withdrawal of Charrandass Persaud since January 2023.
Sase Kowlessar declined the position after being approved by Delhi. Nirmal Rekha’s name was floated and approved by Delhi, but for unexplained reasons government has withdrawn his name. Rekha’s name was linked to the duty free scam. He also abandoned his job in 2015 after the change in administration. He never returned to Guyana until last May. He lives in Boston. Reports indicate that he was all set to leave for Delhi. His name apparently has been replaced with Seeraj’s.
It is rumoured that Seeraj is not interested in the position. Appointment as High Commissioner will be a downgrading of his present position and stature in Guyana.
Seeraj is a Member of Parliament. In addition, He is a Member of the PPP ExCo and the Central Committee. And he is head of the Rice Farmers. He is Presidential material. Were he to accept the position as High Commissioner, he would have to resign from all of these prestigious positions and a bright political future. Why would he want to sacrifice his future?
Seeraj is the most qualified and experienced person in the field of Agriculture in parliament and in the PPP. He would have made the best Minister of Agriculture since Reepu Daman Persaud. He has been head of the RPA for over a decade. He is respected and admired by farmers all over the country. Whenever the PPP runs into issues with and protests by rice producers and other farmers, the government sends Seeraj to calm them. Seeraj is down to earth and is not part of the corrupt brigade. He is a strong family man.
Can Seeraj rebuff the party boss? Can he reject the offer and not be victimised? When Dr Yog Mahadeo dissented against the leadership, he was taught a lesson. His family and himself were victimised, state business cancelled and denied a means of earning a living and educational opportunities for his children. Hardly a prominent Hindu came to his defense. Being targeted, Yog and family were forced to pack up and migrate to Florida.
The question is why is Seeraj not being a Minister given his talent, experience, and ground with the party’s grass roots? Why is he being forced into the High Commission position? Why is the government so desperate to send him into exile? Does it have anything to do with any impending cabinet reshuffle? Last month, the unexpected happened impacting government decisions. The USA imposed sanctions on three prominent individuals linked to the PPP. The visa of a PS and several other ranking individuals of the government have been cancelled, necessitating actions by the boss.
Last time when PPP was in government, it defied Washington’s unhappiness over the handling of corruption and lost the 2015 elections. This time, the leader is not taking chances. The boss is heeding warnings and signals from Washington. Visa cancellation is one warning sign. Government is looking into making cabinet and PS changes. Does government want to exile Seeraj before any cabinet reshuffle happens?
If there is a cabinet reshuffle and Seeraj remains in Guyana, he would be the inevitable choice for a cabinet berth. Seeraj is a no nonsense person along the line of Dr Vindya Persaud who has zero tolerance for dishonesty, corruption, and greed. He is the ülkü choice for a Ministry in a cabinet reshuffle. But apparently government does not want him around. Rumour is circulating that a lawyer originally from Skeldon is being groomed for a position which Seeraj is the most qualified.
Yours truly,
Ramnarine Seelall
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