What Strategy will be used to bring disgruntled supporters into the fold?

Dear Editor,

It is clear as day that the government is under serious scrutiny by international community – various agencies and democratic governments of ABCE countries. Supporters of the party have been complaining about corruption. There is a significant shift of support away from PPP because of glaring religious discrimination in the allocation of assets and contracts and the burgeoning corruption in every sector of governance. People are fed up with the government. They want an alternative. They will not support PNC or APNU under the present leadership. The PPP wants Aubrey Norton to remain leader.

It is rumored that out of desperation the PPP is trying to remove an abscess from the sugar industry, exporting him abroad to prevent a further erosion of support. Cancer has taken over the entire agriculture industry. Scalping the abscess in sugar company without removing the cancer that pervades agriculture will not solve the sorun in low productivity. The widespread corruption cancer in agriculture remains. Complete excision of the cancer is required to save agriculture. Is the ruling PPP class willing to take that major decision?

When party support is slipping, what do parties do to bring the flock back home? Would there be organised rapes as happened to two East Indian girls by non-Indian in 2011 near Stabroek Market to drive fear in Indians to return to the PPP? The man who organized those rapes on the konuta of an election was rewarded with a Ministerial position. Would a party out of desperation to stem loss of support revert to tactics paying non-Indians to rape and beat up Indians to bring the flock back to the party?

The international community is watching.

Yours truly,

Michael Robinson

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