UN delegation applauds Guyana’s commitment to support Palestinians

Guyana has received praise for its long-standing commitment to and support of solidarity for the Palestinian people, as well as for acknowledging their right to exist in peace.

Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, Ambassador Riyad Mansour made these remarks at a public meeting by several representatives from the United Nations (UN) Committee on the inalienable right of the Palestinian People, hosted at Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Georgetown on Thursday.

(from left): Chief of Protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ambassador Ivan Evelyn; Permanent Representative of Cuba and Vice Chairman of the Committee, Ambassador Ernesto Guzman; Permanent Representative of Senegal and Chairman of the Committee, Ambassador Cheikh Niang; and Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, Ambassador Riyad Mansour

Ambassador Mansour expressed that the delegation has received nothing but genuine affection and support for the Palestinian people in all of the meetings and engagements they have attended.

“And we immensely appreciate [that]. [We] thank you for this demonstration of solidarity, support, standing with justice [and] standing with the cause,” he added.

Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations, Ambassador Riyad Mansour

He conveyed the committee’s admiration for Guyana and Permanent Representative of Guyana to the United Nations, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett’s amazing work in the UN Security Council.

The ambassador also commended the two CARICOM countries, Barbados and Jamaica, who have recognised and announced Palestine as a state.

He added that the Trinidad and Tobago Government is seriously considering this issue and may make an announcement before this week.

In light of this, Ambassador Mansour emphasised that during a meeting, CARICOM’s Chairman President, Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali assured him that ‘he will do everything possible to help us in this regard.’

Scene from the inalienable right of the Palestinian People public meeting at Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, Georgetown

Guyana’s humanitarian support to the Palestinian people was welcomed since local organisations raised a total of $110.8 million. The cheque was handed over to President, Ali on Tuesday.

The president highlighted that Guyana is united in the process of achieving world peace and remains dedicated to assisting international efforts to bring peace to Palestinians.

Meanwhile, Chief of Protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ambassador Ivan Evelyn said Guyana has made known its full and unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Permanent Representative of Senegal and Chairman of the Committee, Ambassador Cheikh Niang also delivered brief remarks during the dialogue. (DPI)

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