The stamp of Norton’s campaign all over Forde and Walton-Desir’s flyers

The People’s National Congress Islahat (PNCR) is scheduled to hold 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress June 28-30. Last Monday was nomination day and the campaign for the top position as Party Leader is in full swing. But all is not well with this campaign as candidates are personally attacked by fellow candidates, surrogates, supporters.

The stamp Aubrey Norton’s campaign all over the flyers of contenders Members of Parliament (MPs) Roysdale Forde and Amanza Walton-Desir, the two leading and most prominent challenger as seen above. There are stark similarities in the flyers showcasing Walton-Desir, Norton and Forde, in colour, front and sloganeering. The picture of Norton’s campaign page and that of his digital creator is the exact style of both attacking Forde and Walton-Desir.

Senior Counsel Forde has distinguished himself so far as a campaign that sticks to issues and devoid of name calling. Whilst Desir, who was keeping a low profile, prior to the announcing of congress even as she attempted to deny running for the leadership, exploded on nomination day with some choice negative sloganeering, attacking candidate Norton.

Desir’s campaign entered Congress Place, the Party Headquarters, accompanied by music and revellers chanting, “Aubrey Nutten go,” ” he got to go.” Incumbent Aubrey Norton’s campaign was accompanied by drumming, revellers and waving of palm branch, which represents the party symbol of a Palm tree. Forde walked in accompanied by deputy campaign manager, Annette Ferguson MP, in usual manner as generally there is no pomp on this day.

Norton, who is running for another term, has all along has been throwing barbs at the Forde, occasionally referring to him as “inexperience blowing in the wind,” and hinting that he may be corrupt. Supporters of Norton have launched a tirade of attack on social media against senior counsel, including on Village Voice News.

These attacks against Walton-Desir passed the mark of acceptability and were denied as being supported or encouraged by Norton even as many rally around the candidate, and she also sought to condemn and called for some decorum.

Forde has also come under attack, including in this publication, for daring to declare his interest in the leadership even as he is one of the strongest candidates and meets all the requirement to contest for leadership.

Even as Norton denies knowledge of the abusive campaigns and ads, it was brought to Village Voice News’ attention that the ads in question borne stark similarities to those of what was posted on Team Norton campaign and was tagged to his page by a member of his team, who is a digital content creator. Norton has accredited blame to the flyers to the governing People’s Progressive Party (PPP).

Commenting on Walton-Desir’s flyer which is emblazoned on his Facebook page (Hon Aubrey C. Norton M.P), he wrote: “As leader of the PNCR I have campaigned without attacking anyone. I wish to disassociate myself from this post on Amanza Walton and condemn whoever fabricated the poster. It should be made very clear that I will not attack any of the contestant in the party’s election. I urge all to not attack the character of any candidate. Aubrey C. Norton, M. P. Leader of the PNCR”

In a similar styled flyer on Forde, also emblazoned on Norton’s Facebook page (Hon Aubrey C. Norton M.P), he wrote: “As Leader of the PNCR I have campaigned without attacking anyone. I wish to disassociate myself from this post on Roysdale Forde and condemn whoever fabricated the poster. It should be made very clear that I will not attack any of the contestant in the party’s election. I urge all to not attack the character of any candidate. Clearly these posters are the work of the PPP. Aubrey C. Norton, M. P. Leader of the PNCR”

Norton’s flyer

See flyer below posted to Norton’s page from the digital creator’s page

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