The Nature of Power in Guyana; Moral Dilemmas and Meaningful Struggle

Power shapes our world, no matter where we live or who we are. Despite the diversity reflected in the faces of those in power, the basic nature of power stays the same. Power is always about money, conflicts, maintaining the status quo, and dealing with tough moral decisions. This is as true in Guyana as it is anywhere else, indicating that the challenges and opportunities power presents are universal.

In Guyana, just like in other places, people often talk about ideals like fairness, equality, and justice. However, the reality of power can be very different. Leaders, driven by their own goals like wealth and influence, continue to overlook these ideals reflecting the notion that the true nature of power continues to clash with the values we all purport to hold dear.

The power of words and moral arguments to change society is often debated. In Guyana, with its rich mix of cultures and languages, words do have power. Yet, it is often money and politics that truly shape who has power and who doesn’t. This reality challenges the idea that just talking about unity and fairness can make them a reality. Additionally, Guyana’s history, marked by colonial rule and its lingering effects, shows how power from the outside has long influenced and continues to influence who gets what and who decides.

Some argue that human nature drives us to compete and seek control, much like the natural world’s survival of the fittest. They say that Guyana’s past and present are filled with power struggles, from colonial times to current ethnic tensions, highlighting that power struggles are a common part of our shared human story. This notion then demands that opposition leaders engage and confront the PPP’s aggressive push to consolidate power and further disenfranchise opposition supporters. This view holds that Guyanese leaders must be convinced to share power or else confront a future of conflicts. Some argue that any opposition unwilling to fight and sacrifice must step aside or relegate their followers into perpetual poverty and servitude under the destructive PPP government.

Although Western nations often attempt to interfere and apply their values to nations like Guyana without fully understanding the unique cultures they’re dealing with, they often pick and choose those issues they consider untenable. Racism and the oppression of African people, they can live with. They however draw a line in the sand at any activities which interfere with their companies like the ExxonMobil parasite that continues to suck the lifeblood out of Guyana.

Generally speaking, the pursuit of power often leads to moral dilemmas where the choices aren’t clear-cut and the PPP has already made peace with this. They have imprisoned political enemies like Mark Benschop, they have presided over and endorsed hundreds of extrajudicial killings, they have displaced African people and taken their lands, and they continue to undermine and attempt to destroy any successful African entity, all without reprisal. It is the opposition leadership that has failed to come to terms with certain moral dilemmas. There has been very little meaningful response to PPP’s wickedness and evil reign and their supporters continue to suffer egregiously.

In Guyana, true fairness is also hard to achieve because differences in wealth, education, and opportunity show that not everyone starts from the same place. These inequalities are clear, challenging the idea that a single set of values can fit every society. Identity and politics are also closely linked in Guyana, with ethnic differences often used to gain or maintain power. This manipulation results in a deepening of divisions rather than bringing people together and the PPP knows this. Their One Guyana mantra is simply a political farce. The view of power, from Guyana to the wider world, reflects that while those in power might change, the nature of power itself does not. Power is about money, conflicts, and tough choices, making it all the more important for the opposition in Guyana to push for power sharing, equity, and equal justice for all. Understanding and addressing these issues is key to building a peaceful and fair society for all.

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