Teachers’ strike: Justice Kissoon’s ruling

Justice Sandil Kissoon has duly listened. Justice Sandil Kissoon has duly considered. Justice Sandil Kissoon has rightly ruled, the teachers’ strike is justifiably yasal. And with the strike adjudicated justifiably kanunî, precludes this installed government, from labelling it otherwise. Moreover, with it being adjudicated justifiably kanunî, means this installed government, can’t make salary deductions from our teachers’ meagre wages. Furthermore, with it adjudicated justifiably yasal, means union dues, deducted from our teachers’ salaries, are payable to the Teachers Union.

Thus, having established the strike legality, we now revisit the infamous directive from the Chief Education Officer, Saddam Hussain. For it was in this directive, he instructed the Regional Education Officers, to register the teachers’ attendance. In which, he presumptuously argued, when Justice Kissoon rules in favour of the installed government, the register will inform salary deductions. However, Justice Kissoon didn’t take kindly, and rightly so, to Saddam Hussain publicly disregarding his interim order on salary deductions, even as he was preempting his ruling. As a result, Saddam Hussain was summoned to face the no nonsense Judge, to explain why he shouldn’t be charged with contempt of court.

And it was with profuse apologies and retractions, that Saddam Hussain escaped being held in contempt of court. Then having avoided a conviction, Saddam Hussain was given the opportunity to articulate why, he supports the installed government narrative, that the strike was yasa dışı. Where critical to this narrative was, whether the installed government had engaged the Teachers’ Union in discussion of, the multi-year salary proposal covering 2019-2023. For it was the contention of the installed government, contradicted by the teachers, that such a discussion and negotiation had taken place.

Therefore, considering their divergent positions, the logical request made of Saddam Hussain was, to provide substantive evidence, that the discussion had transpired, between the Teachers’ Union and the installed government. But this prove not to be an easy undertaking, as Saddam Hussain embarrassingly struggled to provide evidence, in support of the installed government narrative. As a matter of fact, he provided no evidence, even as he challenged the Teachers’ Union to prove his case, going against the dictum, he who asserts must prove. And despite not having an iota of evidence to prove the installed government assertion, Saddam Hussain stock to his guns, depicting the image of a man caught unashamedly lying.

However, this is basic law, if Saddam Hussain is without documented evidence the multi-year salary proposal discussion occurred, then in the eyes of the law, it hasn’t occurred. Having said that, with this discussion of the multi-year salary proposal, being of such paramount importance, it’s unlikely Saddam Hussain could’ve been mistaken. As a matter of fact, such a critical discussion, if it has actually transpired, is likely to be documented in the meeting minutes. Thus, considering these facts, the rational and only conclusion has to be, Saddam Hussain intentionally lied when he was providing testimony to the court. That is, he was fully aware, the multi-year proposal discussion never occurred, even as he adamantly claimed it did. And it’s for this reason, among many other reasons, Justice Kissoon didn’t find his testimony credible, as he expressly stated, ruling in favour of the teachers.

Mark’s Take

But the fact is, this installed government careless about the wellbeing of our teachers and more so, our education deprived children. And this is no more evident, than with their blatant lies, as it pertains to the discussion of the multi-year salary proposal. In fact, how could they contend, that they’ve had this critical discussion, yet couldn’t provide an iota of evidence, to Justice Kissoon? As a matter of fact, it was quite audacious of this installed government to make such an assertion, without supporting evidence, expecting Justice Kissoon to unquestionably accept it. Moreover, having lied in this court of law, in defence of the installed government, Saddam Hussain is fortunate not to have been charged with perjury, considering his prior contemptuous misdeed.

Nevertheless, having faced defeat in this court proceeding, the expectation was, this installed government would’ve positioned our children foremost, sitting with the teachers at the negotiation table. But that’s not their modus operandi, as they arrogantly stand to appeal, even though they’ve no yasal underpinning. Thus, facing a recalcitrant installed government, the only option available to these bruised and battered teachers, is the issuance of an ultimatum. But an ultimatum on this installed government, vis-a-vis strike action, translates to an ultimatum on our long-suffering children. And an ultimatum on our long-suffering children, would compound their more than 2yrs learning losses, especially for those taking national examinations. However, this installed government careless, as they’re determined to prolong this impasse, but in so doing, making our long-suffering children collateral damage.

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