Shadow Foreign Minister Hon. Amanza Walton-Desir Calls for Urgent Meeting in Response to Venezuela’s New State Claim

Georgetown, Guyana – In a significant move, the Honorable Amanza Walton-Desir, Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs, has formally reached out to Minister Hugh Todd, urging the immediate assembly of the Parliamentary Sectoral Committee on Foreign Relations. This action comes in response to Venezuela’s recent declaration of a new administrative region that encroaches upon the disputed Essequibo area, a move that has escalated tensions between the neighboring South American countries.

Walton-Desir’s letter, dated February 12, 2024, underscores the gravity of the situation, pointing to Venezuela’s unilateral decision as a clear violation of the Argyle Declaration and the recent rulings by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The ICJ had explicitly directed Venezuela to avoid any actions that could disrupt Guyana’s governance of Essequibo and called on both nations to steer clear of exacerbating the dispute.

The Shadow Minister expressed deep concern over the lack of communication from the government, noting that there had been no official response to her February request for the committee’s convening. The committee is seen as a vital platform for discussing and strategizing on Guyana’s foreign policy and defense, particularly in matters as pressing as the territorial integrity of the nation.

“The creation of this so-called new state by Venezuela not only disregards international law but also poses a direct challenge to the sovereignty of Guyana over the Essequibo region,” Walton-Desir stated. “It is imperative that we come together, across party lines, to address this affront to our nation’s territorial integrity and to ensure a united and robust response.”

Reports of a Venezuelan military buildup along the border have added to the urgency of the situation, raising concerns over potential escalation and the need for diplomatic engagement to prevent further conflict.

Walton-Desir’s call to action emphasizes the importance of transparency and collaboration between the government and the opposition in addressing national security concerns. “The government’s silence on such a critical issue is alarming. As representatives of the Guyanese people, it is our duty to be informed and to inform them of developments that impact our national sovereignty and security.”

The letter to Minister Todd represents a plea for unity and swift action in the face of challenges to Guyana’s territorial claims, underscoring the need for bipartisan support and open dialogue in the country’s foreign policy approach. The nation now looks to its leaders for a decisive and collective response to uphold its sovereignty and protect its borders.

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