Religious Discrimination in Housing in Guyana

Dear Editor,

Government has been giving state land to selected friends for housing development at bargain prices. In so doing, the Government has been favoring Guyanese from one religious community over others in the allocation of houses, land, employment and contracts. This policy has exacerbated tensions among people based on religion. It is very troubling, creating a lot of friction never before experienced not even during the tenure of the coalition. People are talking about religious favoritism and discrimination.

There is religious discrimination in selling houses also. Some sixty çağdaş mansions are being built a short distance behind the Providence stadium. The asking price is $30 millions. The land was acquired from the government at bargain price by a developer from the West Coast and who has been a government functionary for almost two decades serving in various positions. This government official owns a dozen other companies under the names of others fronting for him. He owns land all over the East Bank, West Bank, and West Coast. He owns huge acres of land next to and behind Providence. His companies also acquired a lot of land alongside the newly constructed roads on the East Bank and West Bank.

The huge beautiful palatial houses going up behind Providence stadium are constructed by a private contractor also from the West Coast; he is a second cousin of the high government official. The few already built showpiece houses are very attractive. Foreign labor is used to put them up. The land and the houses are gated. My brother who lives in Canal went to the owner and the contractor building the houses to purchase one of the planned sixty houses. He was asked his name and faith. He is of the wrong faith. He was told that the houses will only be sold to people who are of a certain faith. The plan for that gated community is for people of only one faith. Hardline clerics are behind this plan, radicalizing people of all ages and genders.

I didn’t know that Guyana is becoming a religious state, a place where people are identified by their faith and benefits and perks doled out on the basis of one’s religion. Mind you, that was state land handed over to the developer. At one time, under another government people were denied jobs and benefits because of their race and not having a party card. Now they are denied equality of resources and place of residence because of their faith.

My brother complained to two Ministers and ruling party officials. They promised to look into the complaint. I have no confidence in them addressing the serious problems that have cropped up over the last few years. Our country is rapidly changing, becoming a religious state favoring only one faith. The political leaders have let down those who supported them. Honesty and good governance are now out the window.

Over the last few years, people have been experiencing discrimination or favoritism based on religion. It is all over the country. I advised my brother to convert and change his name. He will be able to own a house, acquire government lands for housing development, and state contracts. Several individuals have already converted and got huge contracts. My brother does not want to convert. There has been rampant religious discrimination since the change in administration in August 2020. Why is there religious discrimination. Was the intention of the General Secretary to favor one faith when people were instructed who to vote for as party nominee?

I will like to know what the VP, government, and those who present themselves as defenders of Indian rights plan to do about religious discrimination. Why are they silent on this matter?

Yours truly,

Tamesh Roopnarine

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