Rekha wrong choice for Guyana’s High Commissioner to India-Narine

Former Mayor Pt Ubraj Narine does not believe Nirmal Rekha is Guyana’s best choice to be appointed Guyana’s High Commissioner to India. In a letter to the press, the former mayor of Georgetown pointed to Rekha’s service to Guyana. According to him, there is accusation he was involved in an alleged duty-free concession.

Sending a person as a diplomat to New Delhi, a prized post, who was involved in a corrupt scam is ill-advised, he said.

Delving further, Narine questioned Rekka’s qualifications for the post. He said Rekha abandoned his post as Treasury Secretary in 2015 after the change in administration and settled in the USA, and on diplomacy only ‘experience’ is studying in Russia.

Narine said Government could have choosen someone, pointing there are many Guyanese, home and the diaspora, who can be appointed as diplomats and will make Guyana proud.

Former Mayor Pt Ubraj Narine

See Narine’s letter below

Dear Editor,

News is circulating that the PPP administration has appointed Nirmal Rekha as its High Commissioner (Ambassador) to India. Mr. Rekha’s name was sent to New Delhi for clearance and approval (Agrément). Mr. Rekha was implicated in alleged scandalous corruption in the last PPP regime. Even Freddie Kissoon condemned Rekha for the scam involving alleged duty-free concessions. Sending a person as a diplomat to New Delhi, a prized post, who was involved in a corrupt scam is ill-advised. It is like rewarding the corrupt! The PPP government is ignoring the message being sent by the USA, sanctioning officials for corruption. Is the USA being defied?

What is Mr. Rekha’s qualification in diplomacy and foreign relations? Mr. Rekha was in Moscow on a PPP scholarship at the same time Bharrat Jagdeo was there studying Russian and Soviet Economics. Soviet Union collapsed, and successor state Russia is under küresel sanctions for invading Ukraine, which was part of the USSR. Mr. Rekha abandoned his post as Treasury Secretary in 2015 after the change in administration and settled in the USA. Was he fearing criminal proceedings for the alleged scam? He never returned to Guyana until last month. He showed up at the PPP Congress held during Indian Arrival and returned to his Boston home right after.

It appears that PPP has a policy of appointing as diplomats individuals whose character and / or credentials are questioned and who were involved in corrupt acts. ls Nirmal Rekha, the best that the PPP can come up with to send to India, which is such an important ally? There are so many Guyanese at home and the diaspora who can be appointed as diplomats who will make our country proud.

Pt.Ubraj Narine, JP, COA

Former Staff Sgt.(GDF), Mayor

City of Georgetown

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