Pt Ubraj Narine calls on President Ali to set up a Diwali Village to celebrate the festival

Former Mayor Pandit Ubraj Narine has written an open letter to President Irfaan Ali to set up a Diwali Village to celebrate the Hindu şenlik. In an open letter, Narine commended Ali for promoting the “Christmas Village,” and “Ramadan Village” and noted a “Diwali Village” will be an excellent platform to showcase and celebrate this beautiful şenlik.
According to Narine, as the Christian and Muslim religions have been given the opportunity to showcase their cultures through the village concept, a “Diwali Village” will serve not only as a unifying force for Hindu Guyanese but also foster appreciation for the rich diversity that defines Guyana. Diwali is the biggest and most important holiday of the Hindu calendar. The Ramadan Village opens Monday.

Pandit Ubraj Narine’s letter follows:-

Dear His Excellency President Irfaan Ali,

It is with optimism and enthusiasm that I write to you today to commend your government’s efforts in promoting social cohesion, evident through the diverse initiatives such as “Men on Mission,” “Christmas Village,” and “Ramadan Village,” which began under the leadership of former President David Granger.

As a citizen of this beautiful nation, I have been an ardent observer of such initiatives over the years and believe that they have played a vital role in fostering inclusivity, understanding, and unity among Guyanese of all backgrounds and faiths. By embracing our shared values and celebrating our diversity, we strengthen the fabric of our society, setting an example for generations to come.

Moreover, the introduction of “Christmas Village” has always been a highlight of the festive season, bringing people together in a joyous celebration of shared traditions. The vibrant atmosphere, lively music, and delicious food create an ambience that is unmatched. It is heartwarming to witness Guyanese from various religious backgrounds coming together to partake in the festivities, embracing the true spirit of Christmas. I applaud the efforts and resources invested by your government to ensure the success of this venture.

Equally commendable is the establishment of “Ramadan Village.” This initiative demonstrates a remarkable willingness to appreciate the customs and practices of our Muslim brothers and sisters during the holy month of Ramadan. By providing a space for reflection, communal prayer, and cultural activities, we foster an environment of religious tolerance and understanding. It is through ventures like these that we identify the common threads that bind us, regardless of our faith or background.

While acknowledging the success of the aforementioned programmes, I would like to express my sincerest hope for the introduction of a “Diwali Village.” Diwali, the şenlik of lights, holds significant cultural and religious importance for Guyanese of Hindu origin. With its dazzling displays, vibrant dances, and sumptuous cuisine, a Diwali Village would provide an excellent platform to showcase and celebrate this beautiful şenlik. It would not only serve as a unifying force for Hindu Guyanese but also foster an appreciation for the rich diversity that defines our nation.

Thank you for your attention.

I wish you all the success in your endeavours.
Yours sincerely,
Pt.Ubraj Narine, JP, COA
Religious Secretary ( Maha Sabha)
Former Staff Sgt.(GDF), Mayor
City of Georgetown

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