PPP’s denial it doesn’t practice African racism a bold faced lie

The plight of African Guyanese under Jagdeo/Ali regime is real and must be confronted through studied approaches. Whenever the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) is caught in its usual wickedness to divide the African race the leaders cry racism, seeking to throw their dirt on others.

Within the past few days, the Jagdeo/Ali regime has accused several African leaders of racism for speaking out on the international stage against the PPP’s discriminatory policies and programmes.

We are small society and what the PPP does is no secret. The regime’s denial there isn’t racism against African Guyanese is a bold faced lie. The issue about being discriminated against because of one’s race is not about what programme that is put in place, but what system is in place to assist African Guyanese to benefit or not to.

For instance, it was brought to my attention GO-Invest has three sets of rules to do business and there are as follows.

  1. Bride the one who considers himself to be the almighty and get everything moving.
  2. Frustrate African Guyanese then send them send them along to Office of the President compound to bribe beg who believe Guyana is his personal property.
  3. Supporters of the PPP, including those how provide financing to the party would get their business expedited with alacrity.

I also saw evidence where the equipment of an African businessman, who resides here, was held up for more than a year. He was given the push around by these two men who are in consort to economically dis-empowered the black man and black woman.

The PPP is very clear of the policies in treating with Africans and their communities. Africans are denied to right to freedom of association and concomitant representation through their elected leaders, if the PPP cannot control them. We have seen this in several organisations such as IDPADA-G, Cuffy250, ACDA, independent trade unions, Critchlow Labour College, and the main parliamentary Opposition, APNU+AFC to name a few.

Quiet recently the regime was forced to defend its racist record before the international community. Unable to look the United Nations in its eyes and admit to its dastardly conduct, Bharrat Jagdeo and Irfaan Ali sent a few black faces to reprise the role of the docile slaves. Their job was to say there is no racism in Guyana and Guyanese are all happy.

Then last week, as if the above is not enough, the regime staged a PR stunt, ambushing the Guyanese business community in Brooklyn, merely for photo opportunities to further the tale it is inclusive, not racist. African businesses in the diaspora by now are well aware the regime does not deva about their businesses and saw them as props to mask its rising corrupt and racist image.

We need to be wary of this trickery. These people’s intent is not to help empower the race or keep the races united through equitable and just policies. Their sole intent, when it comes to the masses and those not within its small cabal, is to sow seeds of discord in the hope we’ll attack each other. In doing this, we take our eyes off them, allowing them free reign to pillage our resources as we get nothing.

We must remain vigilant!

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