PPP/C congress reveals troubling pattern of power consolidation and discrimination, Guyanese should be alarmed-Narine

Former Georgetown Mayor Pt. Ubraj Narine has expressed concern that coming out from the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) 32nd Congress held last weekend is a troubling pattern of power consolidation and discrimination. This he says should alarm all Guyanese citizens.

In a letter to Editor (seen below) Narine says inspite the PPP/C removed Marxism and Leninism from its constitution, “the election of the central executive committee members, followed by the selection of the central executive committee itself, reeks of a communist-style strategy to maintain a firm grip on power.”

Even more troubling, Narine says, is the composition of the executive committee which he notes comprises 18 individuals, 14 of whom are Indian men; 3 women (1 Indian, 1 indigenous woman, 1 Portuguese), and 1 African male who does not even have voting rights within the executive committee. According to Narine, this is blatant discrimination against women and minority groups and a stain on the PPP/C party’s claim to be a champion of equality, inclusivity, and nondiscrimination.

See Pt. Ubraj Narine’s full letter below.

Dear Editor,

It is with a heavy heart that I must address the concerning developments within the ruling PPP/C party in Guyana. The recent conclusion of the PPP/C Congress has revealed a troubling pattern of power consolidation and discrimination that should alarm all Guyanese citizens.

The election of the central executive committee members, followed by the selection of the central executive committee itself, reeks of a communist-style strategy to maintain a firm grip on power. This is a concerning departure from the democratic principles that should guide a truly representative government.

Even more troubling is the composition of the 18-member executive committee that was selected from the 35-member central executive committee. Of these 18 individuals, 14 are Indian men, namely Dr. Irfaan Ali, Zulfikar Mustapha, Anil Nandlall, Dr. Frank Anthony, Vickram Bharrat, Collin Croal, Nigel Dharamlall, Neil Kumar, Shyam Nokta, Donald Ramotar, Clement Rohee, Dharamkumar Seeraj, Anand Persaud, Ricky Ramraj and a mere 3 are women, with 1 Indian woman Dr. Vindhya Persaud, 1 indigenous woman Pauline Sukhai, 1 Portuguese woman Gail Teixeira, and 1 African ( ? ) Kwame McCoy, who does not even have voting rights within the executive committee.

This blatant discrimination against women and minority groups is a stain on the PPP/C party’s claim to be a champion of equality, inclusivity, and non discrimination. It is a clear reflection of President Ali’s led PPP government discriminatory policies, which is the reflection of his own political party lack of commitment to true representation.

I must make mention of the former Minister of local government and regional development who had to resigned in 2023 from his Minister post due to allegation of raping a young indigenous schoolgirl is also welcome back on the PPP executive committee, it only shows the anarchical and the disrespect for our women in society by the PPP.

The Guyanese people and the international community must take note of these actions and hold the PPP party and government accountable. Guyana deserves a political party that can form a government that is truly representative of its diverse population, one that embraces the principles of democracy and equality.

I urge all Guyanese citizens to stay vigilant, to demand transparency and accountability from their elected officials in government, and to work towards a future where the voices of all Guyanese, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or social status, are heard and respected equally.

Yours truly,

Pt.Ubraj Narine, JP, COA

Former Staff Sgt.(GDF), Mayor

City of Georgetown

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