PNCR Contract with the People of Guyana

Dear Editor,

On Sunday June 30, 2024, the curtains came down on what can be described as one of the most organized, democratic and transparent political party congresses in the history of Guyana. The 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress of the People’s National Congress Islahat was an intense, high-energy affair, the likes of which Guyana has never witnessed. This was only possible because of impeccable planning and smart grassroots mobilization.

The Congress featured many serious and memorable moments that has far-reaching national implications for all Guyanese. However, it was the Party Leader’s ‘Contract with the People of Guyana’ speech, which brought the delegates to their feet, in a standing ovation, that will go down as one of the most impactful speeches of our times. It not only displayed the oratorical skills of Mr. Aubrey Compton Norton; it gave a glimpse into what Guyanese can look forward to in the near future… more than a ‘good life’, more than a ‘better life’, indeed, it promises Guyanese the chance to enjoy their ’best life’ when the PNCR/Coalition is returned to Government at the next General and Regional Elections.

The theme for the Congress was, “Forming the Next Government: Building a Just, Inclusive and Prosperous Society for All.” It represents a public declaration that was encapsulated in the now historic, “Contract with the People of Guyana” speech. This seminal Congress speech was remarkable for its clinical delineation of the social, political and economic challenges facing Guyanese at this critical juncture of our history. “Cometh the hour, Cometh the man;” …Aubrey Compton Norton and the PNCR has crafted a development strategy that will catapult all Guyanese to their ‘best lives’ in the shortest possible time.

The People Centered Development Strategy (PCDS) will be wholistic in scope. It prioritizes the development of all Guyanese. This is how the PCDS was defined by Mr. Norton in his speech, “It puts people first and will utilize the resources of Guyana to achieve the ultimate goal of providing a high quality of life to the people of Guyana through the direct and indirect transfer of resources to our people, to educate them, support their mobilisation of resources to work, and for investment with the aim of alleviating and ultimately eradicating poverty while simultaneously resulting in the sustainable development of all communities and sectors of the Guyanese society, as well as the promotion of good governance and the creation of a just and prosperous society. The PCDS will ensure that the needs of the people such as healthcare, housing, water, electricity, education, transportation, and other social services are guaranteed.

The New York PNCR Group is pleased to have joined the scores of delegates from the diaspora who travelled from the USA and Canada at their own expense, to experience and participate meaningfully in this historic Congress. We congratulate the newly elected Executive of the PNCR; Leader, Hon. Aubrey Norton, M.P.; Chairman, Mr. Shurwayne Holder, M.P.; Treasurer, Mr. Elson Lowe, Vice Chairs, Elizabeth Williams-Niles and Mr. Vinceroy Jordan, M.P., as well as the 15-member Central Executive Committee. Guyanese are on the cusp of greatness with the new PNCR/Coalition. This is your ticket to enjoying your best life, guaranteed under the “Contract with the People of Guyana.”

Yours truly,

New York PNCR Group

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