PNC political infighting

And with the PNC Biennial Congress imminent, herein are my forthright confessions: I hold no brief for neither Aubrey Norton nor Roysdale Forde. In fact, this is my irrefutable position: I do hold brief for the long-suffering masses, under this uncaring PPP. The long-suffering masses, who are enduring hell, in this PPP cost of living crisis.

The long-suffering masses, who endure daily, the consequences of PPP grand corruption. For these consequences include, but not limited to, the public sector being grossly underfunded, public infrastructure being dangerously dilapidated, public servants being severely underpaid, while 50% of the population struggles on less than US$5.50 a day, the marker of extreme poverty. Moreover, the long-suffering masses are enduring blatant and rampant discrimination. Blatant and rampant victimisation, for any brave enough to publicly voice their concerns. Blatant and rampant political persecutions, for any affiliated with the APNU+AFC. Blatant and rampant extrajudicial killings, of predominantly young black men.

Thus, with us all being long-suffering victims, it can be concluded, we should’ve more than enough to consume our time, as it pertains to our survival of PPP atrocities. In fact, PPP is the political enemy, of barbaric policies, who we should be focusing our political energies on. Which means, with PPP exhausting our energies, we should’ve no energy in our reserves, for political infighting. But that appears not to be the case, as those thirsty for political power, are unhesitatingly drawing their political sword, to hack each other to pieces. And while they politically lacerate each other, with mass exsanguination greeting our naked eyes, PPP sit back to take notes.

Taking notes on the accusations of racism within our midst. Taking notes on the accusations of lack of transparency and accountability. Taking notes on the accusations of not abiding by the party constitution. Taking notes on the accusations on who is fit or unfit to lead. Taking notes on the accusations of those covertly and treacherously jumping political ship. Taking notes on the accusations of those not acting in the best interest of the party. Taking notes on those being accused of tyranny. That is, taking notes on all things politically deplorable.

But the fact is, if we are positioning ourselves as the government in waiting, to replace this installed dictatorship, how can we be slinging such indelible staining mud, on our comrades? How can we be accusing our party of racism, then expect to have credibility when labelling PPP as racist? How can we label our party as discriminatory, then expect to be taken seriously when we place the same label on PPP?

How can we characterise elements within our party as unconstitutional, even as we accuse PPP of trampling on the constitution? In fact, these deplorable political accusations, of synonym lacerations, will only result in us haemorrhaging credibility. Haemorrhaging credibility to the extent, that when we inevitably face the electorate, none of indelible stains, will have clean hands. And it’s for this reason, we must take stock of our utterances, since they will be illuminated by PPP, thus coming back to haunt us in 2025.

Mark’s Take

Having said that, politics isn’t a calling for the religious Sunday school teachers. Politics isn’t a calling for those who are too godly, afraid to get dirty. Politics isn’t a calling for the Mother Theresas of this world. Politics is about power and achieving such power by any means necessary. Politics is about those, guided by the mantra: the end justifies the means. Which means, as the PNC engage in political rivalry, it’s almost inevitable that there will be political jostling.

But such political jostling, for want of a better terminology, should’ve been one informed by political CV. In which, this political CV isn’t only of the academics, but more importantly one’s record of serving. Whether it’s undertaking pro bono meşru cases for the impoverished many, or serving the impoverished many, as a community leader. Further, of paramount importance to any leadership challenge, should be policies, which are compared and contrast, to inform the electorate as they cast their ballots. Moreover, a leadership challenge should be one that is focused on family values, where the potential leader champions his/her family to exemplify his/her leadership.

Therefore, the take home message is, this political mudslinging by PNC, will only leave the future leader with indelible political stains, which PPP will capitalise on in 2025. Thus, I implore all, to compete with the spirit of comradery. Compete guided by family values. Compete guided by personal values. Compete guided by political record. Compete guided by political CV. Compete guided by policies. For all should desist from mudslinging, since there will be only one winner—PPP.

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