Ové Adams Shares Her Award-Winning Journey, Triumph of Excellence

In the annals of academic achievements, there are tales that inspire and stories that resonate beyond the confines of classrooms and lecture halls. Among these narratives is the remarkable journey of 23-year-old Ové Adams, a young woman whose dedication, intellect, and unyielding pursuit of excellence propelled her to the summit of academic success, culminating in her prestigious recognition as the top student in her graduating class.

Ové’s journey began with humble origins. From an early age, she exhibited an insatiable thirst for knowledge, devouring books and immersing herself in the wonders of the world through exploration and inquiry. Supported by her family’s unwavering belief in her potential, Ove’s journey unfolded with promise and purpose.

Ové Adams (Photo courtesy of Ové Adams)

Ové attended Saint Stanislaus College, where she sat CSEC, and then the University of Guyana. At the University of Guyana, she pursued a Bachelor’s in Social Work and Master’s in Strategic Development Studies.

Adams has a passion for social work, whether volunteering, conducting community outreach, community development, or educating youth about human rights.

She worked as a domestic violence caseworker at the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security (MoHSSS) via the Inter American Development Bank (IDB).

“I wanted to pursue my master’s; however, I was unsure, even though I loved social work…, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone while pursuing a programme that could complement my bachelor’s.

“So when I saw the master’s in Strategic Development, it was diverse and had aspects that would have complimented my background… It really stood out to me,” Ové said.

Further, she added, “The master’s was quite challenging…It was relatively new, since we were the second cohort. Balancing my social and personal life with work and study was challenging. There was also a lot of content to cover. There were also days when I doubted myself and was even burned out…..”

Ové Adams (Photo courtesy of Ové Adams)

Adams’ friends, family, Head of Department, and supervisor were her support system, acting as extrinsic motivation, guiding and supporting her to complete this programme.

“I was shocked, when I heard I got the award….I didn’t think that was possible..,”Ové told this paper.

“I am deeply honoured to accept this award for best graduating student for the Masters in Strategic Development Studies (Cohort 2).

“This achievement would not have been possible without the unwavering support from my family, classmates, understanding lecturers and employer. Being part of this programme often meant stepping out of my comfort zone and there were times when certain challenges and personal doubts felt overpowering.

Ové Adams and her award. (Photo courtesy of Ové Adams)

“However it was in these times, I realised the importance of those who supported me and believed in me. It was also in these moments of discomfort, that I discovered the extent of my capabilities and resilience. This programme has been an incredible journey of personal and professional growth.

“I have had the chance to delve deeply into the intricacies of leadership, explore strategic framework, methodologies and policies. Lessons that I believe have equipped me with the tools needed to navigate complex challenges and drive meaningful change towards social development.

“In closing, I evvel again extend gratitude to everyone who has been a part of this journey. To those who are currently on the journey of completing this programme and to those who intent to pursue it; embrace every challenge as an opportunity for growth, cherish the moments of learning and lean on your support systems in times of uncertainty. Stay resilient and never underestimate your capabilities,” Adams said during her speech at the recently held award ceremony.

Ové Adams (Photo courtesy of Ové Adams)

“Take academics seriously; however, take time to balance and off wind. Take breaks… Ensure you spend time with your friends and family. Also, self-reflect and consult coaches and career personnel when making futuristic decisions. Find a support system, so you can lean on them during trying times. Lastly, don’t underestimate your capabilities and remember your ‘why,’ it serves as a reminder in trying times,” is Ové advice for youths.

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