Outrage as Gumi offers to lead dialogue with terrorists who kidnapped Kaduna school children 

Sheikh Ahmad Gumi, a popular islamic scholar, has received widespread criticism of social media, particularly Twitter for offering to engage the terrorists that kidnapped 287 school children from Kuriga Government Secondary and LEA Primary Schools in Chikun local government area of Kaduna State.

In a press statement made by his media team, Gumi emphasised his desire to assist extensive conversations between the federal government and bandits in order to obtain the release of all abducted Nigerian citizens.

READ ALSO: Sheikh Gumi establishes school for herdsmen in Kaduna

He proposed that the government use the same manner used to recover the Abuja-Kaduna train passengers kidnapped on March 28, 2022, while on their way to Kaduna.

He also encouraged President Bola Tinubu’s administration not to repeat the error committed by former President Muhammadu Buhari, who refused to negotiate with the bandits.

“The government’s stand of no negotiation with the bandits is an unfortunate position. My advice is that the government should dialogue with the bandits not only for these Kuriga school children abduction but all the cases.

READ ALSO: Islamic Cleric , Sheikh Gumi, loses mother

“Also, the government should use the same approach it used in releasing passengers that were abducted on Abuja – Kaduna train in 2022 to release the Kuriga school children and others.

“I am ready to lead a holistic dialogue between the government and bandits. It is a religious duty for me to do so for peace. I hope the present government of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu will listen by dialoguing with the bandits because the past administration of former President Muhammadu Buhari refused to do so.”

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