Opposition visit to Black Bush Polder highlights several disparities and injustices

At the invitation of residents on April 5, 2024, Leader of the People’s National Congress Islahat (PNCR) and the Leader of the Opposition Mr. Aubrey C. Norton MP, and a team from the PNCR visited Yakasari, Black Bush Polder. The Opposition, at a press conference Thursday, said the visit shed light on various challenges faced by residents due to discriminatory practices and mismanagement by the People’s Progressive Party (PPP/C) operatives.

During their visit, the team said the team said observation was made of several concerning issues affecting the local community, key among which are stated hereunder:-

1) Discriminatory Practices in Cash Grant Distribution

The PPP/C operatives were accused of discriminatory practices in handling cash grant distribution for flood relief and farmers’ relief. Accordingly, persons who lost crops and livestock submitted their names several times and did not receive any relief because they were perceived to be outspoken about corruption and supporters of the APNU.

2) Lack of Clear Agricultural Developmental Plan

Concerns were raised about the absence of a coherent agricultural developmental plan in the region. The government allocated rice land and cash crops land next to each other this creates problems when the rice farmers are spraying weedicides to protect their rice crops the cash crops are affected. In addition to the problems with the layout of the farmlands, the agricultural officers are of no use they are unable to make any informed intervention to protect the farmers.

3) Corruption in Distributing State Resources

Allegations were made regarding corruption in distributing state resources among residents. The residents claim that known PPP/C operatives are removing the names of persons who are supposed to legitimately benefit from grants and replacing them with their friends, and family names.

4) Victimization of Opposition Supporters

Residents perceived to support the opposition reported victimization by PPP/C operatives. One resident indicated that her name was submitted on several occasions for the grants because she lost crops and livestock but did not receive any because she and her family were open supporters of the APNU. Others claimed they suffered similar fate.

5) Mismanagement at the Black Bush Polder NDC

The mismanagement at the Black Bush Polder Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) was highlighted during the briefing; drainage cleaning is done by spraying thus creating further hardship for residents and only PPPC supporters are getting contracts. The residents said the council is being given direction from the minister on what to do and who should not benefit from the programmes of the NDC. They point to incidents of mismanagement and called for an audit of the NDC.

6) Discrimination in Developmental Projects

Discriminatory practices were noted in carrying out developmental and infrastructural projects, these works are done in perceived areas that supported the PPP/C.

7) Indiscriminate Use of 2d4 Weedicide

Concerns were raised about the indiscriminate use of 2d4 weedicide by rice farmers in the region; this is causing the crops planted by these farmers to die.

8) Selective Water Release for Rice Farmers

It was pointed out that water release was biased towards rice farmers over cash crop farmers, thus causing the crops planted to die.

9) Mismanagement of Water Resources at the Conservancy

Issues related to mismanagement of water resources at the conservancy were also discussed.

The visit highlights the growing disparities and inattentiveness of the Government to the wellbeing of all Guyanese

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