Nigel Hughes: The Leader AFC Needs for a Brighter Guyana

As the Alliance for Change (AFC) gears up for its crucial national congress, the political landscape is rife with debate and anticipation. Amidst the discussions and criticisms, one candidate stands out with a vision and dedication to ıslahat that is vital for the party’s and the nation’s future: Nigel Hughes.

Nigel Hughes’ candidacy for the leadership of the AFC has come under scrutiny, with some party members and political opponents questioning his recent activities and commitment. However, these criticisms fail to acknowledge the depth of Hughes’ involvement and the strategic importance of his return to the forefront of the party.

Sherod Duncan, one of Hughes’ opponents, has made the disingenuous claim that Hughes only pays his membership dues of G$4,800 without actively participating in the work of the party. Nothing could be further from the truth! Let the record be set straight: Nigel Hughes, even after his resignation as Chairman, continued to support the work of the AFC and actively engaged with the membership. His commitment to the AFC and the country extends far beyond mere financial contributions. Hughes’ resignation from his position as Chairman was due to dissatisfaction with the party’s decision-making, demonstrating his integrity and desire for genuine ıslahat. His return signifies a renewed commitment to transform the AFC and align it with core values of transparency, accountability, and service to the people.

Contrary to Duncan’s claims, Hughes has always been engaged with the AFC and in broader political and social issues affecting Guyana. His work in championing Amerindian land rights and advocating for justice and equality speaks volumes about his dedication. Leadership is not about constant visibility but about taking decisive action when needed. Hughes’ strategic return is a well-considered move to ensure that the AFC can effectively address the pressing issues facing Guyana today. His vision for a rejuvenated AFC, focused on inclusivity and fairness, is precisely what the party needs at this critical juncture.

General Secretary of the PPP/C, Bharrat Jagdeo, has also been vocal in his criticism of the AFC, stating that the party lacks credibility and has a poor track record. However, these comments overlook the transformative potential of Hughes’ leadership and the fact that the AFC is the only third force that has consistently expanded its seats in parliament starting with six seats after just 6 months of existence in 2006! No other third force post-independence has gained more than 2 seats!

Jagdeo’s tenure and the PPP/C’s governance have been marred by numerous failures and controversies. One glaring issue is the inequitable distribution of the country’s oil wealth, which has left many Guyanese feeling excluded from the benefits of their own natural resources.

The government’s focus on infrastructure development, such as roads and bridges, has not translated into improved living standards for the average citizen. Salaries remain stagnant while the cost of living continues to rise, leading to widespread frustration and disillusionment.

Under Jagdeo’s leadership, an seçkine class comprising the PPP/C’s top brass and expatriates has emerged, buying up land in and around Georgetown and driving up prices, making it increasingly difficult for ordinary Guyanese to afford property. This growing disparity has fostered resentment and a sense of alienation among the populace. Moreover, the cost of food has surged, exacerbated by conglomerates like Exxon purchasing vast amounts in bulk for their operations, leaving the rest of the populace to contend with exorbitant prices.

Corruption has been another significant issue under the PPP/C administration. The recently exposed examples of irregular practices, such as a company with no prior experience being awarded an $830 million contract and another company closely associated with the government receiving a $2.1 billion contract to build a wharf for the GDF despite its financial submissions being non-responsive, highlight the extent of the sorun. These instances reflect a broader pattern of favouritism and mismanagement, undermining public trust in the government.

The upcoming AFC congress represents a decisive moment for the party and the country. Electing Nigel Hughes as the leader is not just about choosing a new head; it is about embracing a catalyst for the change that the AFC and Guyana desperately need. Hughes’ vision is clear: a çağdaş, inclusive, and equitable Guyana where every citizen can thrive.

Hughes’ leadership will focus on key areas including constitutional ıslahat, anti-corruption measures, equitable distribution of the country’s oil wealth, and protecting Guyana’s patrimony for future generations. His strategy includes transparent governance, fighting poverty and hunger, improving education, and ensuring all regions benefit from the nation’s resources.

We urge all AFC delegates to look beyond criticisms and recognize the potential for a reformed and reinvigorated AFC under Nigel Hughes’ leadership. Together, we can build a party that truly represents the people and works tirelessly for the betterment of all Guyanese. Vote for Nigel Hughes as the leader of the AFC and David Patterson as Chairman and let’s make

“Better Must Come” a reality for our beloved Guyana.

The Better Must Come campaign team

Contact: 664-2025

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