Natasha Harvey-Sam: Yeoville girl, a trailblazer in optometry

Mrs. Natasha Harvey-Sam has made notable contributions to the healthcare industry with her exceptional blend of talent, determination, and passion. Her commendable achievements have earned her a reputation as one of the finest optometrists in the region. Hailing from Yeoville, West Coast, Berbice, her journey reflects the exceptional level of dedication that has propelled her to the forefront of the optometry field. Her passion for the health sciences and medical field has been instrumental in her successful career.

Early childhood and impact of family

Natasha cherishes her childhood memories as the “best time of her life”, which were filled with endless adventures and excitement. “I remember my youthful days spent in West Coast Berbice, where I grew up with an extended family including my mother, late grandmother, sister, and many cousins. My early childhood was full of excitement. My cousins and I would often change out of our school uniforms as quickly as possible to play games like Chinese jump rope, Jax, hopscotch, sal out, or war break. We would also frequently go swimming and catch fish in the nearby trenches,” Natasha told this publication.

Natasha was always extremely playful, and could often be found at the top of fruit trees or in the back dam, enjoying a good ‘bush cook’.

“I have been often asked about my support system as a child, and I can sincerely say that my entire family ensured that I had all the necessary support to succeed in life. My aunt Ingrid Porter was a constant source of inspiration for me. She would often share stories about the challenges my mom and her siblings faced while growing up. Witnessing her life and the impact of divine grace left a lasting impression on me, instilling the belief that regardless of one’s background, achieving greatness is within reach.

My mother, Claville Lewis, provided unwavering support and guidance. She always emphasized the importance of dedicating time to my studies, firmly believing that a good education was the greatest gift she could offer to me and my sister. She would regularly sit with me in the evenings, ensuring that I completed my homework and grasped the day’s lessons. I credit a substantial part of my personal growth to the love, sacrifices, and dedication my mother has displayed over the years.

My father, Frank Harvey, having served in the Guyana Police for over 4 decades was the disciplinarian.My dad’s resolute stance also played a vital role in keeping me focused on my studies and resilient in the face of peer pressure,” she said.

Natasha’s late stepmom was a remarkable individual who was also a part of her support system. She provided invaluable support and guidance regarding Natasha’s career decisions. She often emphasized to Harvey-Sam about the significance of education and consistently encouraged her to persevere, recognizing her intellectual capabilities and determination. Their support laid the foundation for Natasha’s success, while determination and drive propelled me forward.

Further, she added: “After completing the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA), my father decided to have me relocate to Georgetown to live with my stepmother and him. Although the transition from rural living and schooling to an urban setting posed challenges, it was a critical move towards expanding my career prospects.

Academic and professional pursuits

In terms of her educational background, Mrs. Harvey-Sam was privileged to attend North Georgetown Secondary and focused on science studies. She later studied science, pure mathematics, and communication at Queen’s College under the CAPE/GCSE program. Harvey decided to enroll at the University of Guyana to pursue a degree in biology, motivated by her interest in science. However, when she explored botany, the plant-based branch of biology, she discovered that it did not fully align with her interests. She then carefully considered a variety of health-related careers, including nursing, dentistry, medicine, and optometry. Despite her initial reservations about optometry, she enrolled, persevered, and excelled in her studies thanks to diligent research and dedication.

Natasha has been reflecting on her professional path, beginning with her passion for science and ending with her current position as an optometrist. Harvey’s decision to study optometry was not a conscious one, but rather the result of divine intervention. Natasha has always wanted to help people, particularly those from underprivileged backgrounds, which led her to pursue a career in health sciences. Optometry has given her an excellent opportunity to achieve her goals while also having a significant impact on people’s lives.

During her second year of the optometry program, she began working at Mings Optical and received training from Dr. Michelle Ming. The knowledge she acquired from Dr. Ming proved invaluable and contributed significantly to her ethical development and ability to conduct comprehensive and accurate eye examinations.

Harvey-Sam is grateful for the various opportunities that have contributed to her development, and she appreciates her profession’s ability to combine her love of science with her desire to make a difference in the lives of others. Harvey believes that optometry serves a greater purpose than simply improving vision, but enhances people’s quality of life, and empowering them to see the world more clearly.

Natasha’s guidance for individuals aspiring to pursue a career in optometry is both pragmatic and motivational. She emphasises the multifaceted nature of the profession, which requires optometrists to be versatile and adaptable. As such, optometrists must assume various roles, including those of advocate, mentor, and counsellor.

The optometrist

According to Natasha, the University of Guyana is widely recognised for its commitment to academic excellence, although students in certain programs may encounter challenges. “As a member of the inaugural class of the optometry programme, I firmly believe that optometrists play a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of life for their patients as they look to us as optometrists for guidance that can significantly impact their lives and motivate them to adopt healthy lifestyle practices.

“As such, optometrists must consistently remain attentive and seize every opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills, irrespective of the program’s quality. Giving priority to research and continuous learning is crucial for optometrists to stay updated with the latest developments in their field. Despite any constraints in the clinical setting, optometrists should not limit their recommendations and should consistently advocate for the best interests of their patients.”

“Optometrists should also strive to bring their best selves to work every day and take calculated steps to progress in their profession. A positive mindset, a spirit of mindfulness, and a dedication to making the most of each day are essential for success, along with having a reliable support system,” she further added.

Additionally, Natasha recalled instances where patients questioned her capabilities due to her youthful appearance. However, she made it a priority to provide the best deva to every individual, regardless of their perception, and this approach has resulted in long-standing patient relationships over the past decade. She expressed gratitude for the challenges she has encountered, as they have contributed to shaping her into a fearless, resilient, and optimistic professional.

In 2018 Natasha joined Optique Vision Deva and has been an integral part of the clinical department for the past 5 years. Presently, she serves as the clinical manager for the company, overseeing various responsibilities, including the training of optometry interns. She takes great pleasure in mentoring students, engaging in community outreach initiatives, and making meaningful contributions to her local community.

Work-life balance

When asked about the challenges in her career, Natasha emphasised that everyone encounters challenging phases in life. In the early stages of her career, she faced difficulties with work-life balance and managing patients alongside personal issues and goals. These challenges sometimes felt overwhelming, but through prayer, meditation, and introspection, she was able to overcome them.

Natasha is family-oriented and emphasises the importance of spending quality time with her loved ones. She expresses deep gratitude for her husband’s unwavering support and understanding, which enables her to effectively manage her professional obligations.

Looking ahead, Natasha harbours aspirations of furthering her education to specialise in providing compassionate and rehabilitative deva to patients with chronic illnesses who are at risk of vision loss.

“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.”- Mark Caine.

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