My Tenure as Guyana’s Ambassador to Kuwait and Lessons in Diplomacy: How We Improved the Image of Guyana in the Middle East”

Am delighted to share some good news. Today My Book ” My Tenure as Guyana’s Ambassador to Kuwait and Lessons in Diplomacy” today reached # 23 in “Public Affairs & Administration (Books)” at AMAZON BEST SELLERS RANK- Top 100 in books. Evidence is hereunder. Book is 403 pages and listed on AMAZON for eBook/Kindle and Paperback. Amazon listed the book on March 8, 2024.

The Gulf Nations of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Oman, are mostly a mystery and generally misunderstood by the Western World, and you are cordially invited to join Ambassador Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, to understand, learn and master the skills, techniques, and attributes, explained in this book “ My Tenure as Guyana’s Ambassador to Kuwait, and Lessons in Diplomacy: How We Improved the Image of Guyana in the Middle East.”

Knowing the Middle East is one thing, understanding it, is another. Most people in the West do not know the countries in that Region and many Western Governments have been trying to understand it for decades and in my opinion, with respect, have failed to do so, after mistakenly thinking, that they know the Middle East.

Written in tutorial style and format, Professor Dr. Shamir Ally’s book informs and teaches, and provides an enabling opportunity to correct, in part, some of these mistakes. This book has been facilitated by a well-kept detailed diary of events and lived experiences during my tenure as Ambassador of Guyana in Kuwait and as Alternate Governor at the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Lesson 70, encourages readers to “maintain records of all you do and keep them secure”.

These records have been supplemented by inputs of PATIENCE, informal opinions from diwaniyas ( Arabic meeting places), and commentaries conceived by my own incisive knowledge and advice by some of my more experienced Diplomatic colleagues, especially the WISE Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in Kuwait, Ambassador Sheik Abdou Lahad Mbacke of SENEGAL, who counselled the novice Ambassador Dr Shamir with the following WISDOM “You need to UNLEARN most of what you learned in the Western World and RELEARN each day you are in Kuwait, as the very rich Kuwait and Gulf Corporation countries, DAILY operate on THREE KEYS: RELATIONSHIPS, PATIENCE and RESPECT”.

This book will :

  1. Provide lessons learned from being a NEW Ambassador in the Middle East
  2. Offer DIPLOMACY ideas, guides, and tips.
  3. Encourage the building of RELATIONSHIPS in the Middle East.
  4. Explain how to UNLEARN and RELEARN to be successful in the Middle East.
  5. Highlight ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY GUIDES in brokering approximately ONE BILLION US Dollars, CREDITS and GRANTS from the Islamic Development Bank, (IsDB) Saudi Arabia and Kuwait for Guyana.
  6. Illustrate BEST PRACTICES towards becoming a “Subject-Matter Expert.”
  7. Inspire readers to actively practice SERVANT LEADERSHIP, as you learn through the pages, hundreds of LESSONS, and TIPS, to be better LEADERS, without travelling to the Middle East.

USA, Professor Dr. Mike Marquardt, Co-Founder of WIAL, Author of 25 books and over 100 articles/chapters on action learning, team development, and küresel leadership, Professor Emeritus, George Washington University and Senior advisor to numerous Küresel 100 corporations and national governments, said, ” This book will be a valuable guide to professors and students at universities with International Relations and Diplomacy Programs. This book will also be a wonderful resource for Ambassadors and all persons desirous of learning on the Middle East.”

New Jersey, USA, Dr. Rohan Somar, MD, MBA, FACEP, FAAEM, (Retired USA Air Force), Chairman Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Clares Health System, and Chairman AFC USA Inc, said “I remember telling you when you were going to Guyana for July 18-23, 2016 for Heads of Missions briefings, before going to Kuwait in August 2016,that you could teach all of them, but they had no knowledge of your skills, talents and reach to the US Government, Middle East and Globally.”

Tajikistan, Dr. Zubaydullo Zubaydzoda, DEAN of the Diplomatic Corps, Ambassador of the Republic of Tajikistan to the State of Kuwait, said “I have known Ambassador of Guyana to the State of Kuwait Dr. Shamir Ally since his appointment. He served his country with distinction during his tenure in Kuwait. He was a skilled diplomat who was able to navigate complex international relationships and promote Guyana’s interests in Kuwait. He was known for professionalism, dedication, and commitment to the diplomatic service.”

TOGO, Ambassador Mohamed Sad Ouro-Sama, DEAN, African Diplomatic Corps with 23 Ambassadors, said “We all learn to love Guyana and Dr. Shamir and Dr. Maryann. We the African Diplomatic Corps Group of Ambassadors in Kuwait, adopted Guyana, Dr. Shamir, and Dr. Maryann, into our African Group, and this was never done before, and was not repeated since they left Kuwait in 2020. He is our Brother and Dr. Maryann our sister for their lives. They attended most of the African group activities as our special guests. We do miss them dearly, more than the written words can say.”

The Author, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally

Corporate Controller and Chief Accounting Officer at electronics manufacturing Corporations in New York and Pennsylvania, with AMEX, NYSE, and NASDAQ Public Corporations listed CSuite Executive, Professor, Philanthropist, Servant Leader, Motivational Speaker, Ambassador and Author. He earned BBA, MBA and Ph.D., Degrees in the USA.

GLOBAL experiences are in International Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Finance, Taxation, Management, Strategic Management, Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship, Small & Medium Size Enterprises, Servant Leadership, Not-For-Profit University, Education and Government, in the following (16) Manufacturing Industries & Services, Electronics, Apparel, Printing & Packaging, Insurance, Financing, Lotteries, Pharmaceuticals, Sugar, Rice, Spices, Gold, Diamonds, Accounting, Auditing & Consulting Services, Universities and Diplomacy

Assuring You of my Highest Consideration


Dr. Shamir Ally

North Carolina, USA

Former Ambassador to Kuwait 2016-2020

Former FIRST Alternate Governor, Islamic Development Bank, 2017-2020

Deputy Chairman, Board of Directors, GO-Invest, The Guyana Office for Investment, February 2016 to December 2019.

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