More Questions Than Answers In AFC Fiasco

Dear Editor,

I am writing to bring to light a concerning incident within the Alliance For Change (AFC) that demands urgent attention and scrutiny from the public and party members alike.

Recently, during the nominations process for the upcoming 2024 National Conference of the AFC, a serious breach of trust and potential fraud has come to light. As per the AFC’s protocols, the General Secretary is entrusted with handling delegate and nomination forms. However, it has been revealed that delegate forms were improperly disseminated to regions where the party chapters were non-functioning, such as the UK, Canadian, and Caribbean chapters.

The situation took a disturbing turn when Cathy Hughes, the outgoing Chair of the AFC and wife of Attorney at Law Nigel Hughes, shared purported nomination forms from the Caribbean chapter via various communication channels. These forms were allegedly signed by individuals claiming association with the non-functioning Caribbean chapter and nominated Nigel Hughes for the party leadership position. This revelation, coupled with the subsequent media announcement by Cathy Hughes, raised serious questions about the integrity of the nomination process.

Upon questioning by the General Secretary regarding the legitimacy of these forms, it was uncovered that the forms had not been officially issued or authorized by the General Secretary, leading to allegations of fraudulent activity. Which subsequently led to the GS’s safety being threatened by AFC member, Leon Hunte. Despite these serious allegations, senior members of the AFC appeared to dismiss the gravity of the situation, effectively sweeping the matter under the rug in a bid to maintain a semblance of party unity.

What is particularly concerning is the apparent resurgence of factionalism within the AFC, pitting what has been termed as the “upper middle class entitled members” against the party’s grassroots and ordinary members. This divide has become glaringly apparent following the decision of Khemraj Ramjattan to withdraw from the leadership race, sparking a renewed power struggle within the party ranks.

It is crucial for the AFC to address these issues transparently and decisively. The allegations of fraud and the mishandling of nomination forms not only undermine the democratic processes within the party but also erode trust among its members and supporters. The party’s reputation as an inclusive political entity that values all members equally is at stake.

In conclusion, the AFC must take immediate steps to investigate this matter thoroughly, hold accountable those responsible for any wrongdoing, and reaffirm its commitment to fair and transparent internal processes. The integrity of the upcoming National Conference and the credibility of the party’s leadership hinge on swift and decisive action.

Yours truly,

David Fitzgerald
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