Mahipaul’s exposure of Mustapha’s deceit forces Govt to admit A-Line Pump Station contractor quit, demobilised several equipment

After initially stating progress is being made in the construction of pump stations in Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara), the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Government is admitting the A-Line Pump station project has not been completed on time, and liquidated damages are now being applied.

The Government in a statement earlier this week dismissed observations made by A Partnership of National Unity (APNU) Member of Parliament, Ganesh Mahipaul, on the non-completion of several pump stations in the region. Mahipaul flayed the government not having these projects completed in an efficient and timely manner, and cost overrun on taxpayers. But Minister of Agriculture Zulfikar Mustapha, accused Mahipaul of seeking publicity.

In an earlier statement this week government said Mustapha and senior officers of the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) visited Canal No. 1 and for the other pumps stations in Region three and contrary Mahipaul’s claims “progress is being made.”

According to Mustapha he was the region for several meetings and visited the Canal No. 1 pump station. He boasted, “if something is off or seems behind schedule, I don’t leave until the contractor can provide me with a sensible and reasonable explanation. So, this narrative that Mr. Mahipaul is trying to push is ridiculous and it seems as though he wants some publicity.”

Mahipaul fired back, making known “the minister deliberately did not provide an update on the A-Line Pump Station because the contractor walked off the job and they are in the process of terminating the contract.” In a statement release yesterday the government confessed. According to the ministry “In the case of the A-Line Pump station, the contractor has not been able to complete the project on time. As a result, liquidated damages are now being applied.”

The NDIA said the contractor has demobilised several pieces of equipment from the site, it has notified the insurance company providing bonds on this project, and a file on the current situation has been sent to the Office of the Attorney General for advice on the way forward.

Forced to come clean and in a rare spirit of glasnost, government is now admitting not only its incompetence but making known that in “some instances, the NDIA applied liquidated damages to contractors who have not been able to complete projects according to the contractual time period.”

On the Belle Vue, point station government said the contractor has mobilized and already installed a coffer dam, the test piles have also been driven and the project is scheduled for completion by 4th of August, 2025.

At Meter-Meer-Zorg, the contractor has commenced mobilisation and this project is also scheduled to be completed on the 4th of August, 2025.

At Pouderoyen, the contractor has mobilised to the site and has commenced work on the access road which is part of the contract. This project is scheduled to be completed on the 29th July 2025.

With the track record of incompetence citizens will have to remain vigilant.

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