Linden/Region 10 rejected Govt disrespect, Independence Flag Raising Ceremony flapped

Amidst much hype to host this year’s National Independence Flag Raising Ceremony in Linden/Region 10 present an image the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) had support in the community proved otherwise. The PPP/C has a hostile social, economic and political relationship with the community. exacerbated with the exclusion of the elected leaders. Government’s decision is contrary to the objection of Guyana’s political system which mandates “inclusionary democracy” as outlined in Article 13 of the Constitution of Guyana.

Linden/Region 10 elected national, regional and local leaders were denied participation in the planning and executing of the programme; a situation that did not find favour with the people and their elected representatives. Linden/Region 10 is a stronghold of the People’s National Congress Islahat (PNCR), aa controlled by the coalition, A Partnership of National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) of which the PNCR is the major partner.

Government billed the event as a road trip to Linden with President Irfaan Ali as headline. Government also promoted the presence of United States Democratic Congressman Jonathan Jackson of Illinois in Guyana for the event. Jackson is in Guyana from May 25-May 28, 2024 at the invitation of Ali. Jackson is the son of famed civil rights activist Jesse Jackson Sr. Flyers were widely distributed to promote the event.

Village Voice News was reliably informed more than 80 buses were used to transport persons from other regions to the event. Some of the people were fed on the road as seen in the görüntü below

People’s concern

Attendance was sparse, reflecting poor attendance by residents of the community and poor participation in the road trip. Village Voice News was reliably informed that coordinators were appointed for the event and given money to hisse persons to attend. Linden rejected that too. The bus in attendees were fed on the highway and this publication was told they were paid thousands of dollars to attend.

The town of Linden is named in honour of the PNCR Founder Leader, Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, under whose leadership Guyana achieved Independence and Republican status.

Deron Adams- Regional Chairman, Regional Democratic Council, Region 10

When government announced its intent to host the major event in Region 10, Regional Chairman Deron Adams put forward 10-points the community needs to be addressed that the government has ignored, in spite of significant spending increase, evidenced in $1.146 trillion National Budget. Namely: –

1.The disrespect shown towards MSC executive. Government has declined to share the comprehensive plan and accompanying photos of the sports facility upgrades, despite repeated requests from the members of the management committee, club members and other concerned citizens.

2. The Guyana Teachers Union’s reasonable proposal for an increase in salaries as part of a multi-year agreement

3. Installation of an eight-member Board of Guardians (All Indians), individuals aligned with the PPP party, who removed single parents and persons with disability including a 5-year-old uzunluk suffering from a liver disease from public assistance programs in Linden, without sufficient justification, leaving vulnerable families in need.

4. Suspension of the Linden Enterprise Network board that crippled its operation, leaving scores of applicants hopeless and without access to financing for their businesses. It has been over four years now that close to $300 million has been frozen.

5. Discriminatory Treatment in Nursing Programmes: Suspension of the year one nursing program in Linden, Region 10, while continuing training programmes in Regions One through Nine.

6. The PPP’s inability to complete projects initiated by the previous government, such as the LTI dormitory for students in outlying areas, the synthetic track etc demonstrates a lack of commitment to improving educational opportunities in Region 10.

7. Due to the actions of PPP WILD CARD GUY Rudy, close to 200 nurses and 30 doctors resigned from the hospitals at Linden and Kwakwani between 2021 and 2024, leading to a shortage of healthcare professionals in the region. The PPP has commenced the process of bringing nurses from Bangladesh.

8. PPP’s refusal to continue programmes awarding house lots to athletes from Region 10, impacting individuals like Chantoba Bright and Daniel Williams, reflects a disregard for supporting local talent and community development.

9. The PPP is seeking to Control and dominate the RDC and LM&TC in which the people rejected them and voted for the APNU+AFC by refusing to engage local elected officials, refusing to reconstitute boards for health, contract awards and access to funding with local representation.

10. Youth have walked off at the Midas Bpo Call center at Kara Kara because they are not being compensated for hours of work done. This is another failed project. The CEO for GoInvest said that youth were being paid between $80,000 and 90,000. “A Big Fat Lie” youth complain of being paid $2000.

Leader of the PNCR and Opposition, Aubrey Norton, in a statement Friday flaked the government exclusion of the region’s elected leaders, citing it as the reason for the Opposition’s non-participation in the event. Expressing disappointment and dismay at the Government’s behavior Norton said, “this exclusionary approach only serves to deepen divisions and foster discord among our people.”

Earlier in the week the geographic Member of Parliament, Jermaine Figueira said the decision to host such a significant national event in Linden, a town known for its rich cultural heritage and immense talent should have been an inclusive and community-centered initiative. The government, he said, missed a crucial opportunity to demonstrate commitment to bipartisanship and an apolitical stance, especially in the context of our National Independence.

In a statement last evening shadow Attorney General and Minister of Yasal Affairs Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde lambasted the government for its non-commitment in building a better Guyana. According to the member of parliament all Guyanese must condemn the government’s divisive behavior and disrespect for the region and town’s elected leaders because if they don’t “we open ourselves to similar disrespect from the PPP/C in our daily lives.” Playing off the ‘Hymn for Guyana’s Children,’ Forde slams the government for it “’one Guyana’ divisive mantra” and called on Guyanese to rise above the PPP/C’s divisiveness, and continue the journey started decades ago in building a “new Guyana, great and free.”

Veteran trade unionist Lincoln Lewis said the Government’s invitation to Jackson was a sham and he is müddet had the congressman done his homework of the PPP/C’s poor record of governance, disrespect for the rights of ordinary Guyanese, the working class, and particularly the African-Guyanese community, he would have rethought his position. According to the trade unionist “Jackson’s presence here, alongside the Jagdeo/Ali regime, that is inflicting grave injustice on the working class and executing its programme of economic genocide in the African community, particularly Linden/Region 10, has injured the good name of his family.”

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