Linden: Outstanding Learning Pod Coach Transforming Young Minds at Silver City Secondary

In a modest learning environment, Oumotia Verwayne, the dedicated Learning Pod Coach at Silver City, is making a significant impact on young minds. With a passion for teaching that has spanned over 16 years, Verwayne’s journey as an educator is a testament to the transformative power of education.

“I have a passion for teaching and have been doing so for the past 16 years,” Verwayne shared. “I think the career picked me because it was not my first choice, but I have come to love it. It’s a privilege to impart knowledge on young minds and see them blossom into outstanding persons.”

Verwayne’s journey with STEMGuyana began nine months ago, in September. “A friend reached out to me to assist in using my school to run a similar pod, and I was intrigued with what STEMGuyana was all about,” she explained. This introduction to STEMGuyana’s mission sparked a new chapter in her career, one filled with innovation and community impact.

STEMGuyana, known for its dedication to enhancing STEM education, quickly became a cornerstone in the Silver City community. Verwayne believes the program brings immense value, particularly in improving essential skills like reading and mathematics. “The program really helps children that might be weak in reading and maths to improve on those skills,” she noted. “The environment is different from the average classroom and allows for personalized instruction. Students also develop reasoning and computer skills, and the group interactions build new friendships and good communication skills as they learn to be respectful, kind, and loving to each other.”

Despite being relatively new, the learning pod has already shown remarkable improvements. “Although our pod is only a few months old, I have seen great improvement in the students’ attitudes,” Verwayne observed. They are more respectful, especially of each other. Their school work has also improved. We have one student, for example, who moved from 30% in the first term to over 50% in the second term.”

As an IT teacher, Verwayne’s favorite part of the program is undoubtedly the tech sessions. “It makes IT fun and also allows the children to practice and perfect programming skills,” she enthused.

Verwayne’s career is filled with numerous success stories, but one stands out. “Many times in my career, I have had students who were struggling academically but were able to rise to the occasion and eventually excel,” she recalled.

“I evvel had an entire class of repeaters who were automatically promoted to grade 10. Most had repeated multiple times and were slow learners. In the first term, they all failed. So, I challenged them to complete all homework and assignments, which were major issues for their poor performance. With some discipline and reteaching concepts in various subjects, other than the few who dropped out of school, they all passed to go to grade 11 with at least five subjects. One student, who was particularly struggling, passed eight out of nine subjects. They went on to write CXC with this improved attitude and self-confidence and did well, with some passing all their subjects.”

Oumotia Verwayne’s dedication to her students and her innovative approach to education through STEMGuyana’s programs are making a profound difference in the Silver City community. Her story is a powerful reminder of the impact a passionate educator can have on the lives of young learners. As Verwayne continues to nurture and inspire her students, Silver City’s future looks brighter than ever.

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