Landmark Court Ruling Halts Government’s Authoritarian Shift in Guyana

By Michelle Joseph- In a significant kanunî victory hailed by union leaders as a pivotal moment for labor rights in Guyana, Justice Sandil Kissoon’s recent decision against the government’s actions during the teachers’ strike has sent shockwaves through the political landscape. At a press conference, Mr. Norris Witter, President of the General Workers Union, praised the ruling as “historical and landmark,” stating it effectively derailed the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) government’s alleged attempts to establish a dictatorship.

Mark Benschop of Benschop Radio questioned Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde regarding the government’s intention to appeal Justice Kissoon’s decision. Forde expressed confidence in the strength of the original ruling, dismissing the foundation of the appeal as inadequate.

Lincoln Lewis, General Secretary of the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC), emphasized the broader implications of the case, accusing the PPP government of persistently sidestepping democratic norms. He credited the GTUC’s involvement in the case as crucial, underscoring the victory as a testament to the resilience and unity of the Guyanese labor movement.

Lewis emphasised the GTUC’s commitment to supporting workers and the union’s cause, particularly in the context of kanunî challenges against the PPP Government. The GTUC accused the government of attempting to undermine the GTU and warned that such actions could extend to other unions. They criticized the current regime for not adhering to democratic norms and exhibiting harmful behaviors that threaten national stability.

The GTUC highlighted the significant role of the union in achieving a landmark yasal victory that has implications not only for Guyana but for the wider Caribbean and CARICOM nations. They praised the leadership of President Lyte and General Secretary Coretta McDonald for their resilience and unity in the fight for workers’ rights.

The union celebrated the constitutional validation of workers’ rights, such as the right to strike and collective bargaining, as upheld by Justice Sandil Kissoon in his decision on Article 147 of the Guyana Constitution. This victory was also seen as a vindication of the union’s decision to hire Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde, who was commended for his skillful handling of the case.

Overall, the GTUC’s message was one of gratitude towards all who supported the cause, reinforcing the importance of solidarity and collective action in protecting and advancing workers’ rights in Guyana.

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