Lack of decisive leadership hampers ability to effectively challenge authoritarian PPP regime

Dear Editor,

I am writing to urge the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of, my party, the People’s National Congress Islahat (PNCR) to take immediate action and set a definite date for the upcoming party congress to elect a new leader. At the moment no date has been set for this important and necessary event. This is urgent particularly in circumstances where the tenure of the previous leader, Mr. Aubrey Norton, expired in November 2023, and the absence of a successor threatens to undermine the integrity and effectiveness of our party.

The significance of this event cannot be overstated, not only for our party but also for the nation as a whole. A party congress serves as a cornerstone of democratic governance, providing members with the opportunity to come together, debate important issues, and elect leaders who will represent their interests and aspirations. In the absence of a duly elected leader, our party risks descending into disarray and losing the trust of the electorate.

Moreover, the lack of decisive leadership hampers our ability to effectively challenge the incumbent authoritarian regime and advocate for the policies and reforms that our nation so desperately needs. Also, the delay in holding the party congress sends a troubling message to the people of our nation, suggesting a lack of transparency and accountability within our party leadership. It is incumbent upon us to respect, regard and uphold the principles of democracy and ensure that the voices of our members are heard and respected.

Therefore, I implore the Central Executive Committee, whose responsibility it is to call and convene such congresses, to prioritise this matter and expedite the process of organising the party congress. By setting a definite date for the event we can reaffirm our commitment to democratic principles and show our readiness to lead our nation into a brighter future. For me, the importance of this event extends well beyond the frame of our party. It is a pivotal moment in our nation’s history, one that has enormous potential to shape the outlook and course of our political landscape for many years to come.

Let us take this opportunity to reaffirm our dedication to the ideals of democracy and set a good example for our fellow citizens.

Yours truly,

Michael Pratt

Member of PNCR

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