KFC Should not be next to Mandir

Dear Editor,

A businessman is pursuing action that disrespects a mandir and he is supported by a high functionary of the government. Plan is afoot to establish a KFC franchise right next to the most prominent mandir in the heart of the capital city. This act is very insensitive to the feelings of and insulting to the temple worshippers and to Hindus in general. Hindus, who have already been marginalized nationally and facing discrimination that have worsened since the change in government in 2020, are hurting and fuming, but the political leaders are not listening to them.

Whether in the city or elsewhere, no meat establishment should be established right next to a place of worship, especially a Hindu temple or Muslim Masjid. Meat is a very sensitive issue for religious adherents. Beef violates the tenet of Hindus and pork violate belief of Muslims.

The land for the planned KFC next to the mandir is owned by a big businessman who has very strong connections with the government. It is plain wrong. The owner of the land was a CREEP (closely allied with Desmond Hoyte). Jagan and the PPP rejected him. But after Jagan’s and Janet’s death, he wormed his way into the PPP and made strong connections. He was awarded huge tracts of land from closed sugar estates on the east bank. He made a killing, selling house lots and or building houses and selling them at huge market values. The high mark ups violate the position of Jagan and against the ideology of the working class PPP. The businessman has been fronting for the big government functionary who awarded him huge tracts if prime land.

Mandir devotees complained to the government functionary about the planned KFC next to the mandir. The big government official told them that if they don’t want meat served next to their mandir, then they should move the temple. That soul has no God in him. He never performed puja and though born a Hindu he he not a practicing adherent. He is asked if he would say the same to a meat shop selling pork next to a Masjid.

Government people should be very sensitive about their support for anti-religious acts. They must respect the customs and practices of Hindus. Devotees appeal to the owner of the land to alter his plan for a KFC at the site. Hindus must be prepared to withhold their votes from politicians who disrespect their faith or consider giving it to those championing their interests.

Yours Truly,

Tameshwar Roopnarine

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