June 28-30 is PNCR Biennial Delegates Conference

The People’s National Congress Islahat (PNCR) has announced its Central Executive Committee decided at its meeting last Wednesday the Party’s 22nd Biennial Delegates Congress will be held over three days from Friday, 28th June to Sunday, 30th June 2024.

In a statement, issued by the Opposition, the party said the Congress’ theme is “Forming The Next Government: Building A Just, Inclusive and Prosperous Society For All.” The party said the theme was chosen to reflect the Party’s determination to return to government in the next general elections and to implement its people-centered development strategy.

Party Delegates and Members from all cilt regions will be attending Congress in person. The party said there will be no virtual attendance and arrangements have already started.

Last month the party announced its Central Processing Unit (CPU) that stores it membership mysteriously disappeared and subsequently was reportedly found in another part of the build.

The party leadership did promise an independent technical audit but has not done so according to insiders. Members of the party’s Central Executive Committee, who spoke to Village Voice News on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak for the party, said the leadership did no investigation. One member said effort to find out why the no investigation was met with insult by the leadership.

Another told this publication Mr. Aubrey Norton and team are preparing to rig the election, starting with the voters list. Within recent days there have been Letter to the Editor, including, expressing concern the leadership may be looking to emulate the rigging, People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) members have complained about with their just concluded congress.

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