“Irfaan Ali’s arrogance in dismissing the reporter shows a lack of respect for young people in our country” – Benschop

Georgetown, Guyana – President Irfaan Ali is facing increasing criticism for his remarks directed at a young reporter from Kaieteur News during a press conference on Thursday June 20th. The President’s tone was loud and ignorant as he chastised the reporter, implying that failing to apply for a house lot by the age of 28 was indicative of poor life choices. This incident has sparked a heated debate, with many viewing the comments as an abuse of power and an insult to the young man.

Mark Benschop, a kanunî professional and political activist, publicly condemned President Ali’s statements. In a passionate response on his online show, Benschop highlighted the systemic challenges faced by young Guyanese under the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) regime.

“So what do you say to a 28-year-old young man who has grown up for most of his life under the PPP regime that offered him nothing?” Benschop asked. “How many of you recall that there was a policy where if you were single, you couldn’t get a house lot unless you were married with children? The president simply spewed venom at this young reporter and took the opportunity to try to embarrass the young man.”

Benschop elaborated on the difficulties faced by young people under the PPP’s rule. “They deprived young people of a quality K – 12 education in most regions and even closed down trade schools. Institutions like GTI and New Amsterdam Technical Institute were run down. Further, If this young man had gone to the Ministry of Housing when Ali was the Minister, he wouldn’t have received any help.”

Criticizing President Ali’s demeanor, Benschop stated, “It’s disgraceful to insult a young man trying to do his job. Irfaan Ali’s arrogance in dismissing the reporter shows a lack of respect for young people in our country. This behavior is emblematic of a broader issue within the administration’s approach to youth and development.”

Benschop’s remarks reflect a broader sentiment of frustration among young Guyanese who feel neglected and unsupported by the government. He called on the President to show greater respect and empathy for the younger generation, who have had to navigate significant challenges with little support.

President Ali’s comments have also drawn attention to the need for a more inclusive approach to governance, one that respects and uplifts the voices of all Guyanese, regardless of their age or background.

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