Institute for Action Against Discrimination Condemns Demolition of Homes at Sarah Johanna by PPP Gov’t

The Institute for Action Against Discrimination (IFAAD) in a statement expresses profound condemnation regarding the recent demolition of homes belonging to impoverished residents at Sarah Johanna, East Bank Demerara, allegedly carried out under the direction of the PPP Government.

On Friday residents of the community stood by helpless as a claimed owner/development of the land, reportedly under police protection, moved in and dismantled homes, allegedly assaulting children and adults and threatening the home owners.

IFAAD pointed out the action has resulted in the displacement and distress of numerous vulnerable families in the community.

residents of Sarah Johanna, EBD

The organization views this demolition as a severe violation of human rights and an act of discrimination against the poor and marginalised. Such actions, it said, not only undermine the dignity and security of these individuals but also exacerbate their socio-economic hardships.

In light of these troubling developments, the Institute urgently calls upon the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, under the leadership of Hon. Dr. Vindhya Persaud, to intervene immediately. We urge the Ministry to provide essential assistance and support to those affected, ensuring they receive adequate housing and necessary resources to rebuild their lives.

Displaced residents of Sarah Johanna looking on at what’s left of their homes which was demolished Friday under the watchful eyes of the police

IFAAD said its wish to emphasise the importance of upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and human dignity in all governmental actions, particularly when dealing with vulnerable populations. To this end the anti-discrimination institute says it stands ready to collaborate with authorities and stakeholders to ensure that the rights of all citizens, especially the underprivileged, are respected and protected.

Displaced residents of Sarah Johanna looking on at what’s left of their homes which was demolished Friday under the watchful eyes of the police
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