IFAAD Outraged Over National Park’s $1000 per person Easter Entry Fee, Large Families Disadvantaged

The Institute Against Discrimination is appalled by the recent shameful and disrespectful decision made by the National Parks Commission, to charge an exorbitant $1000 per person entry fee for Easter festivities. This act not only goes against the principles of accessibility and inclusivity but also highlights a gross disregard for the welfare of the Guyanese people. While some may think of $1000 per person as fair, one must keep in mind that Easter in the Park is an opportunity for families, including the not so fortunate, to bring all of their relatives, including multiple children, to the park. The cost to enter can become quite prohibitive for more than half of families in Guyana.

Traditionally, the National Park had been considered a public space, open and welcoming to all Guyanese citizens, regardless of their economic background. It has served as a place for families, friends, and communities to come together, celebrate special occasions, and enjoy the scenic beauty of our beloved nation. However, the imposition of an astronomical entry fee is a direct violation of the egalitarian values that Guyanese society holds dear.

To make matters worse, numerous reports have emerged of visitors being given altered tickets for other events as their entry tickets to today’s event at the National Park. This fraudulent practice not only further tarnishes the reputation of the National Park but also demonstrates a complete lack of transparency and accountability. Such deceptive behavior is completely unacceptable and goes against the principles that our society upholds.

The people of Guyana demand answers from the National Park administration. Why is the park trying to profit off an event that should foster unity and harmony among citizens? What justifies such an exorbitant fee, when it is common knowledge that public parks should be accessible to everyone? These questions need to be answered.

The citizens of Guyana deserve a public space that is free for all to enjoy, especially during festive occasions like Easter. Additionally, a thorough investigation into the ticket alteration incidents should be conducted, and those responsible for this disrespectful behavior should be held accountable.

It is our sincere hope that this press release will shed light on the shameful acts committed by the National Park Authority and mobilize the public to voice their indignation at this unjust policy. We call upon the Chairman of Parks , Mr. Robert Persaud and relevant authorities to intervene and rectify this situation promptly, ensuring that the National Park is restored as a public space for the all Guyanese citizens to cherish and enjoy, free of charge.

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