IDPADA-G booted from Companies Register, request for extension to submit Audit ignored

The International Decade for People of African Descent Assembly-Guyana (IDPADA-G) has announced its removal from the Register of Companies.

The Official Gazette of March 9, 2024 listed IDPADA-G as one of 327 companies removed from the Register of Companies.

IDPADA-G said in the last quarter of 2023 it made all of the required submissions, except for the audited financial statement for 2022, which was and is being prepared by the appointed auditors.

At the time of filing, IDPADA-G requested an extension of time to submit the 2022 financial report as it awaited finalisation by the auditor.

The organisation said whilst is recognises removal from the Register is in keeping with the provisions of the Company Act that stipulates defaulting companies may be removed it is disappointed the process of deregistering proceeded without a response to its request for an extension of time.

IDPADA-G said it has consult a meşru counsel and among other things was advised the law provides for restoration, and its auditing firm has been urged to expedite the completion of its audit so that the 2022 report can be filed post-haste and the application for restoration submitted.

The organisation is assuring the public it has, throughout its existence, always sought to comply with the law.

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