I am not prepared to ignore atrocities in government or in my party-Amna Ally

I was made aware Saturday of PNCR Chairman Shurwayne Holder’s recording, addressing statements he claims were made by me and I have not denied same. Let me state categorically, I do not need to respond to deny the garbage allegations made by Comrade Holder to satisfy anyone.

I am confident Party members and supporters are too wise to be misled. I feel pity for my young comrade and am personally ashamed that he has allowed himself to be a conveyor of mis-information and disinformation desperately hoping that I will or can be silenced; that Party members would readily believe him and not me. Himself and whoever he serves can sit and wait.

I, Amna Ally, will not descend into that cesspit of lies. The truth is my best weapon, and it is what drives my decision not to support Aubrey Norton for leader of the PNCR. So Comrade Holder, hear me loud and clear

“I am not going to lift a finger under Aubrey Norton’s leadership. When he is changed as leader, I will look and see what contribution, if any, I can make. But as of now, I want nothing to do with Norton and his quality of leadership.”

I am speaking aloud what many are silently saying, and others fear to say.

My reasons are well known but repeated here for the consumption of those who are unaware, as well as those who are misguided as to the truth of what is taking place in our leadership:

Aubrey Norton’s style of leadership is undemocratic. He has demonstrated a lack of accountability in the Party by undermining and destroying various party structures and practices by which he can be held accountable effectively placing himself as an autocratic leader with a CEC rendered ineffective and impotent.

Comrades, my party, the People’s National Congress, which I grew up in and have served over 53 years, from the age of 14, has always been a party of principles, a party with respect for its constitution and one where every member was valued and had the privilege of financial accountability. We must ask Aubrey Norton what entitles him to run the PNCR like his personal pig farm or cake shop. I have served every leader of the PNCR and our members as well as supporters faithfully.

Knowing Aubrey Norton the way I do. I cannot sit and quietly watch him weaken and destroy the Party of LFS Burnham, I cannot in all conscience support his leadership. And it is my democratic right to say so and act in accordance. I am quite happy to support the candidacy of Comrade Roysdale Forde who stands for respect, progress and most of all, he is prepared to confront the atrocities of the PPP.

To party members I say. This party is ours. It belongs to each of you, and you must fight for it. Do not be dissuaded by threats or fears. If we want to take on the PPP, we must be able to clean our house and remove the hindrances to positions where they can better serve and be made to account. The PNC is not Norton’s party. It’s not and never was a one race Party, and I will always be ready and willing to serve. I am just not prepared to ignore atrocities in government or in my party.

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