GY-L1081 East Bank Demerara Road Improvement (Good Success to Timehri)

What is Happening?

The Ministry of Public Works, Guyana has

undertaken the improvement/upgrading work

of East Bank Demerara Public Road. Under

this contract, Sheladia Associates Inc. is the

Supervision Consultant and China Road and

Bridge Corporation is the Design and Build

Contractor. The work involves upgrading of

existing roadway and the drainage structure in

between Good Success and Timehri.


Schedule Start: 9 March 2024 Duration: 3 days

Day: Weekend and weekdays Hours: 8 am to 1 pm weekend 8 am to 5 pm weekdays

Contractor Contact:

Site Contact: Mr. Jack +592 653 6557

China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC)

What We Expect?

  • A group of 5/6 people (survey team) will visit the structures starting from Soesdyke to Timehri on the road.
  • They will be wearing high visible safety vests.
  • Traffic control team will be on site

Ministry Contact:

Ms. Yashodra Singh: +592 6202135

Ministry of Public Works Guyana

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