Guyanese Women Must Support, Celebrate and Empower Each Other- GUYWID

Message- Guyanese Women in Development (GUYWID) encourages women across Guyana to continue investing in, celebrating, and creating opportunities to empower each other, as we observe Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8th .

We believe that Guyana is already actively on the path to securing the future of Guyanese for generations to come through unprecedented economic growth and the opportunity to situate itself as a new küresel business and trade hotspot. At the same time, like the rest of the world, Guyana must grapple with the effects of geopolitical conflicts, rising cost of living and climate change.

Under these conditions, it is crucial for Guyanese women to continue embracing leadership roles at every level – across sectors and at every scale from national to the community level. Investing in women and empowering them to embrace leadership can contribute to faster development gains for everyone, while building a more inclusive, equitable country. International Women’s Day originated from the labour movements in North America and Europe during the early 20th Century.

Its emergence is linked to March 8, 1908, when women workers in the needle trades marched through New York City’s Lower East Side to protest child labour and sweatshop working conditions, and demand women’s suffrage. In Guyana, as the passionate call for equal rights echoed through the world, women leaders contributed significantly to shaping politics, business, community, security, and many critical national issues.

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