“Guyanese Need to Wake Up and Smell the Coffee (Cuffy)” – Cheddie “Joey” Jagan Jr. Criticizes PPP Congress

In a bold letter to the editor, Cheddi “Joey” Jagan Jr., the son of former President Cheddie Jagan, has sharply criticized the PPP congress, comparing it unfavorably to the Chinese Communist Party’s congress. Joey Jagan Jr. claims the event lacks democratic principles and stifles genuine political discourse, mirroring tactics he attributes to the CCP.

“The PPP congress is a copy of the Chinese Communist Party’s congress,” Joey Jagan Jr. stated in his letter, highlighting what he perceives as a lack of democracy and suppression of diverse viewpoints among delegates. According to him, the congress is less about policy and solutions for Guyana and more about “creating demigods and self-aggrandizement” as it gears up for the 2025 elections.

Jagan Jr. also criticizes the congress for its approach to economic issues, accusing it of promoting private sector development rhetorically while simultaneously imposing state controls that hamper genuine growth. He points to the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) as a prime example of misguided policies that fail to address the core issues facing the nation.

Moreover, he describes the congress as being packed with delegates who do not truly represent the Guyanese people but rather serve as “rubber stamps for the ruling elites.” His vivid portrayal of the congress sessions includes “chest pounding, dancehall gyrations, and self-promotion,” suggesting that the meetings are more spectacle than substance.

Jagan Jr.’s critical take on the PPP’s methods and approach concludes with a stirring call to his fellow citizens: “Guyanese need to wake up and smell the coffee.” He also mentioned Cuffy, invoking the revolutionary spirit of the national hero Cuffy, a seeming wake-up call for civic action and awareness.

Joey Jagan’s critique of the PPP’s handling of democracy and development has sparked conversations about the political climate in Guyana as it approaches another election cycle.

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