Guyana Press Association Issues Terse Statement in Response to Neil Marks’ Allegations

Georgetown, Guyana – The Guyana Press Association (GPA) has issued a robust response to recent allegations made by Neil Marks, a former president of the association, in a letter dated May 14, 2024. The GPA’s statement defends its operations and condemns what it describes as “baseless and defamatory attacks” on its members and the executive.

In his letter, Marks criticized the GPA for not holding elections for six years and questioned the association’s financial accountability. The GPA refutes these claims, highlighting that financial reports were presented last year and accusing Marks of failing to provide audited financial reports during his tenure. The association also pointed out that Marks did not report a significant theft of funds he claimed occurred during his presidency.

The GPA’s statement suggests that Marks has shifted from being a journalist to a political operative, accusing him of discrediting independent media members for personal gain. The association emphasizes that Marks has remained silent on significant issues affecting journalists, such as cyberbullying, harassment, and attacks on media professionals, including the shooting at journalist Travis Chase’s vehicle.

The GPA underscores its commitment to journalistic integrity and transparency, detailing efforts to address financial accountability and constitutional amendments. The association notes that Marks was notably absent from crucial meetings and events, further questioning his commitment to the organization and its values.

Moreover, the GPA condemns Marks’ continued attacks on women in media and communications, highlighting that many of these women remain actively employed in the media. The association calls for Marks to provide evidence for his claims about members being denied voting rights and questions his motives in trying to discredit colleagues.

The GPA reiterates its dedication to supporting journalists and maintaining independence from political influence, vowing to resist any attempts to make the association subservient to external interests. The association’s statement ends with a strong message: “The GPA shall never be handed on a platter to any agent to become a pliant and malleable institution at the behest of any political or other interest group.”

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