Guyana needs leaders of character, integrity, and unwavering commitment to nation’s betterment

Dear Editor,

In the hustle and bustle of our nation’s political arena, one glaring truth stands tall amidst the rhetoric and promises: the phenomenon of political opportunists. These individuals, often donning the cloak of leadership, descend from their lofty perches only when the scent of power and votes fills the air. Among those currently under the spotlight is Aubrey Norton, vying to continue to lead the People’s National Congress (PNC) in our beloved nation.

Many politicians, it seems, emerge from the shadows of obscurity only during election cycles, eager to press the flesh, kiss babies, and make lofty promises to win the favour of the electorate. Yet, evvel the ballots are cast and victory secured, they retreat back into the shadows, leaving their constituents yearning for the attention they evvel received.

These political opportunists, driven solely by their insatiable thirst for power, have little to no genuine interest in the well-being of their constituents. Instead, they view the people as mere pawns in their elaborate game of political chess, to be maneuvered and manipulated at will to further their own agendas.

It is a shameful truth that such individuals, who are meant to serve as the voice of the people, instead see them as nothing more than stepping stones to higher office and greater influence. They shun accountability and transparency, operating in the shadows where their actions are shielded from scrutiny.

For far too long, our nation has suffered under the yoke of these political charlatans, who line their pockets with taxpayer dollars while delivering nothing of substance in return. They thrive in an environment where corruption festers and accountability is but a distant dream.

But we, the people of this great nation, must rise above the allure of empty promises and grandiose speeches. We must shun these political opportunists, casting them aside and refusing to grant them the privilege of holding positions of power where they can continue to exploit our trust and our resources.

What our country truly needs are leaders of character, integrity, and unwavering commitment to the betterment of our nation and its people. We need individuals who are not swayed by the temptations of power and wealth, but who are driven by a genuine desire to serve and uplift their fellow citizens.

In the upcoming election for leadership of the People’s National Congress, let us not be swayed by smooth talk and empty promises. Let us instead demand accountability, transparency, and a steadfast dedication to the principles of democracy and good governance.

Our nation deserves nothing less than leaders who will truly represent the best interests of all its citizens, regardless of their station in life or their political affiliations. It is time to turn the page on the era of political opportunism and usher in a new chapter of honesty, integrity, and genuine leadership for our beloved nation.

Yours truly,

Mark DaCosta

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