GPSU’s Message on Int’l Women’s Day- “govt must invest in its people, especially women”

The Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) joins with the rest of Guyana in recognising the role of women in building a stronger public service for Guyana. This year’s celebration is held under the theme ‘Investing in women: Accelerate progress’. Progress in this sense can be likened to the treatment of women in education, the world of work, the home, and in national decision making where their livelihoods and that of their families are affected.

The Guyana Public Service Union recognises that while much progress was made for the inclusion of women in national decision making, little is being done to accelerate this progress. Women and the girl child are becoming more vulnerable to aggressive policies, and unfavourable treatment perpetrated at the hands of government. This past week, the Women’s Committee of the Guyana Public Service Union continues steadfastly to support the Nurses of the Linden Hospital Complex, who are fighting in the vineyard for the refund of wages unlawfully deducted by the government.

Despite receiving an Order of the Supreme Court which restored wages unlawfully deducted by the government, the women of the Linden Hospital Complex were forced this week to fight against the Attorney General, and Government of Guyana, who have used the Court system to deny them and their families the opportunity to earn a livelihood and accelerate their economic development.

On this International Women’s Day, the Guyana Public Service Union resolutely declare that the role of government is to invest in its people, by creating the enabling environment where women, and the girl child are allowed to fulfill their wildest dreams, and achieve their aspirations. However, for many women in the Public Service of Guyana, the attainment of a decent standard of living has become prohibitively expensive due to increasing commodity costs, and the imposition of poverty wages by the government.

For this reality to change, government must invest in its people, especially women, who are tasked with the responsibility by nature of nurturing, and teaching the important values that will sustain our democracy, and grow our economy. Such attainment cannot be achieved overnight, but requires the inclusion of women, and their representative organisations in national decision making processes.

In addition, the GPSU urges the government, and all stakeholders, on this special occasion to do more to protect women, and the girl child from extreme poverty, labour exploitation, low wages, salaries and other benefits.

Once again a Happy International Women’s Day 2024 to all women in Guyana, and also internationally.

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