Government’s anti-education mindset

In our çağdaş, rapidly changing society, few figures hold as pivotal a role as our educators. They are the architects of our future, shaping minds, nurturing potential, and guiding generations towards progress. Yet, the recent actions of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) towards our teachers have left many in our nation both outraged and perplexed. However, according to observations by one analyst, the PPP’s disdainful treatment of teachers may not be incidental or accidental, but rather a deliberate and calculated strategy to perpetuate a cycle of ignorance and under-education, ensuring that the general populace remains pliable to their self-serving agenda.

As we witness the resumption of strike action by our dedicated teachers on May 9th, following a previous 29-day ordeal, the reasons for such a move come under scrutiny evvel more. Mark Lyte, President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) succinctly captured the essence of the renewed strike, citing the government’s persistent refusal to engage in meaningful collective bargaining as the catalyst. According to experts, such actions undermine the fundamental rights of workers and display a lack of commitment to fair labour practices.

The notion that the PPP’s treatment of teachers could be part of a broader agenda to maintain a populace devoid of critical thinking and awareness is not without merit. It raises a troubling question: why would any responsible government undermine the very foundation of our educational system? The answer, it seems, lies in the potential threat posed by an enlightened citizenry.

An educated populace, by its very nature, is a vigilant one. It questions authority, demands accountability, and rejects oppression. This poses a direct challenge to the PPP’s grip on power, which has long been marred by allegations of political discrimination, racial bias, and executive lawlessness. One political scientist associated with the University of the West Indies echoed these sentiments, emphasising the importance of education in fostering democratic values and civic engagement.

In the words of Dr. Maya Angelou, “When you know better, you do better.” An educated populace would not tolerate the injustices perpetrated by the PPP – from political discrimination to allegations of corruption and abuse of power. It would demand transparency, accountability, and adherence to the rule of law, qualities conspicuously absent in the PPP’s governance.

It is against this backdrop that the PPP’s treatment of teachers takes on a sinister hue. By frustrating their efforts, undervaluing their contributions, and discouraging young people from pursuing careers in education, the PPP seeks to perpetuate a cycle of ignorance that serves its interests.

The PPP’s disdain for education may not be a mere oversight, but a calculated strategy to maintain its stranglehold on power. It recognises that an uneducated populace is more susceptible to manipulation, less likely to challenge authority, and easier to control.

In recent years, we have witnessed a series of actions by the PPP that underscore their anti-education mindset. From budget cuts to the education sector to the derogatory portrayal of teachers in a political skit at the recent PPP congress, the message is clear: education is not a priority for the PPP.

As our teachers continue to fight for fair treatment and respect, it is incumbent upon all of us to stand in solidarity with them. Their struggle is not just about salaries and working conditions; it is about safeguarding the future of our nation. For if we allow the PPP to erode our educational system, we jeopardise the very foundations of our democracy.

While the theory that the PPP’s treatment of teachers is part of a deliberate strategy to keep Guyanese uneducated may seem far-fetched, it is a notion that cannot be dismissed lightly. As we confront the realities of our political landscape, we must remain vigilant in defending the sanctity of education, for it is the cornerstone of our democracy and the key to our nation’s future.

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