Former Ministry of Finance PR Officer Wanita Huborn Subjected to Horrendous Verbal Sexual Assault by Government Propaganda Unit

The appalling incident of verbal and sexual assault against former Ministry of Finance PR Officer, Wanita Huborn, has sent shockwaves through the nation, laying bare the depths of depravity and misogyny lurking within certain circles of power. Ms. Huborn, exercising her democratic right as a citizen of Guyana, dared to criticize the government’s inept handling of the chronic blackouts plaguing the nation since 2020. However, her courageous stance was met with a vicious attack from the government’s propaganda unit, revealing a disturbing pattern of behavior indicative of a deeply flawed system.

The venomous assault launched against Ms. Huborn which including vile sexual innuendo and accusing her of collecting kickbacks and engaging in illicit activities, reeks of desperation and moral bankruptcy. Such baseless accusations not only aim to silence dissent but also serve as a brutal reminder of the lengths to which some individuals will go to protect their own interests.

What is particularly disturbing is the sexually oriented nature of the attack, demonstrating a complete disregard for basic decency and respect for women. The government’s propaganda unit, allegedly led by individuals like Kwame McCoy, stoops to abhorrent levels of behavior, unleashing a barrage of vulgar and demeaning remarks aimed at discrediting and intimidating anyone who dares to challenge their authority.

The alleged involvement of individuals like Kwame McCoy, a government minister with a history of violent behavior and alleged solicitation of sexual favors from a minor, raises serious concerns about the moral compass of those in positions of power. This is a man whose actions have been condemned in the past, yet he continues to operate with impunity, shielded by the protection of high-ranking officials within the government.

Furthermore, the subsequent accusation regarding Ms. Huborn’s acquisition of a house at Wales Estate reveals an irony reflecting the PPP assumption that people of African descent must not enjoy any benefits in Guyana. The irony of this Wales accusation is that President Irfaan Ali has one of the very same Guysuco properties, and so does Samuel Hinds and many other regular citizens. Sadly these nouveaux elites just do not believe that these evvel derelict properties should go to regular citizens. It should be recalled that Diamond and parts of Wales were sold to DDL, and it should not be forgotten that the PPP government sold some 55 acres of lands located at Enmore on the East Coast of Demerara (ECD) to a reportedly 52 percent Guyanese owned joint venture (and friend of Bharrat Jagdeo) called Guysons K+B Industries Inc. (GKB), purporting to create 500 jobs. To date neither the job nor the GKB project has materialized. The inept team at the propaganda unit in OP should be reminded that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

The women of Guyana demand that President Irfaan Ali and the decent women in the PPP government speak out against such reprehensible attacks. The people of Guyana deserve to feel safe in expressing their views without fear of retribution or intimidation. Criticism is an essential component of any democracy, and it is the duty of the government to uphold the principles of free speech and open dialogue.

The despicable treatment of Wanita Huborn should remind us all of just who the PPP are. No woman is safe in this environment. To redeem themselves, the government must heed the voices of its citizens and take concrete steps to address these vulgar, systemic issues that continue to undermine the fabric of society. The women of Guyana must remember these behaviors when it is time to vote.

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