Fmr. City Mayor Pt. Ubraj Narine pays visit to Stabroek Market Vendors

Former Mayor Pt Ubraj Narine Tuesday did a walkabout the Stabroek Market to interact with vendors and listen to their concerns. Vendors in Guyana are not getting the support they need from the government to thrive as part of the business sector. They are viewed by the government and part of the business sector as nuisances. Yet these persons continue to make significant input into the economy and through their trade have been able to support their families, and alleviate government’s obligations to help the vulnerable.

This is the environment Narine continues to navigate as in known for his role as former mayor of Georgetown fighting for these business owners to be treated with respect and dignity.

On December 12, 2022 when central government sought to uproot vendors’ stalls from the Georgetown Hospital with a heavy duty vehicle, Narine, then mayor, laid on the road and dared the driver to drive over him to destroy the vendors’ stalls and goods. His action placed him before the court. He was placed on $100,000 station bail and $250,000 court bail. This matter is still before the court

Narine said he visited the Stabroek Market Tuesday on his way to cross by boat and was very troubled by the market condition and the vendors plying their trade. Narine said it pains him to hear how people are struggling in the oil-rich economy and wanted to show his solidarity with those hardworking individuals who face daily challenges in making an honest living.

Known for his hands-on approach and dedication to public service, Narine listened attentively to the vendors’ accounts of their struggles. From bureaucratic red tape to limited access to resources and infrastructure, it became clear that these hurdles hindered their ability to flourish in their businesses, he said.

Understanding the significance of local markets as economic hubs, Narine said he firmly believes that supporting small businesses and vendors is crucial for fostering community growth and development. He said it is important to address the daily problems faced by the vendors, so their livelihoods can be improved because they contribute to a stronger local economy.

In his tenure as the mayor, Pt Ubraj Narine consistently emphasised the importance of community engagement and inclusivity. His visit to markets exemplifies his commitment to staying connected with the people he served during his tenure, demonstrating his continued dedication to making a positive impact on their lives.

Earlier today the Market’s roof caved in.

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