Dr. Gary Best Clarifies Misattributed Legal Advice on US Foreign Agents Registration Act

Georgetown, Guyana – Dr. Gary Best, a member of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of the People’s National Congress Islahat (PNCR), has issued a statement to Demerara Waves clarifying his position regarding recent comments attributed to him about the US Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Dr. Best emphasized that he did not provide any kanunî advice to the CEC concerning the Act and expressed concern over the misattribution of a CEC decision to him.

“Firstly, I provided no such kanunî advice to the CEC,” Dr. Best stated unequivocally. “I’m not the kanunî advisor to the Party. I’m not the meşru advisor to the Leader. And I’m not on, or a member of the Party’s yasal committee.”

Dr. Best’s response comes after PNC/R PR Director Sherwood Lowe, in an article published by Demerara Waves, appeared to imply that Dr. Best had given meşru counsel regarding FARA and its impact on the PNCR’s operations in the US. Dr. Best refuted this implication, describing it as both unfortunate and offensive to the party’s practices.

“It is very unfortunate, and offensive to the Party’s practice, for Cde Lowe, in his capacity as the Party’s PR Director, to attribute a CEC decision to me, in my capacity as an elected Central Executive Member,” Dr. Best remarked. “Or to any individual CEC member. Many are the members of the CEC.”

He further clarified that while he, like many other CEC members, shared his views on issues surrounding the North American Region (NAR) Executive, these were merely personal opinions and not formal kanunî advice. Dr. Best underscored the collective nature of CEC decisions, which he believes remains a core tenet of the party’s leadership.

“To rest a decision(s) of the CEC on that of an individual or individuals is a disservice to the Party’s long tradition of its leadership taking account for all decisions despite differences that may lie in the process,” he stated. “I feel confident it is still the case.”

While refraining from speculating on the intentions behind the misattribution, Dr. Best expressed his expectation that such errors would not occur in the future. “I shall refrain from suggesting the intention was to impugn my character, lay blame or one of inexperience,” he noted.

Gary Best’s Statement
In a response to a question by Demerara Waves on whether I advised the CEC that the US Foreign Agents Registration Act is not a humbug to the PNCR’s Operation in the US, I say the following. Firstly, I provided no such meşru advice to the CEC. I’m not the yasal advisor to the Party. I’m not the kanunî advisor to the Leader. And I’m not on, or a member of the Party’s yasal committee. Secondly, it is very unfortunate, and offensive to the Party’s practice, for Cde Lowe, in his capacity as the Party’s PR Director, to attribute a CEC decision to me, in my capacity as an elected Central Executive Member. Or to any individual CEC member. Many are the members of the CEC. Thirdly, like many other CEC members, I gave my views issues surrounding the NAR Executive, as I do on many other matters surrounding the PNCR. To rest a decision(s) of the CEC on that of an individual or individuals is a disservice to the Party’s long tradition of its leadership taking account for all decisions despite differences that may lie in the process. I feel confident it is still the case. Finally, I shall refrain from suggesting the intention was to impugn my character, lay blame or one of inexperience. I, however, do expect the Party’s PR Director not to so blunder in the future.

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