Democracy, free press and independent political affiliation, under threat in Guyana

Dear Editor,

Democracy, a free press and independent political affiliation, is under threat in Guyana from the President Irfaan Ali and Vice President Bharat Jagdeo administration. The PPP government has been practising authoritarianism and autocracy. The ABCE countries need to take note and take measures like canceling visas to send a strong message that abuse of power is not acceptable.

The PPP government has been very critical of Mr Glen Lall, targeting him and his newspaper Kaieteur News with some terrible abuses as well as going after others who seek to hold the government accountable. Agents of the government also attacked Stabroek News and Kaieteur News for editorials assailing government policies and for carrying reports exposing wrongdoing. Other independent thinkers and reporters are also under threat, being warned to tow the government line or face sanctions that include loss of income and / or physical violence that could potentially bring about broken limbs and / or death.

Reporters were assaulted during the previous tenure of the PPP regime ( 1992-2015). One has not forgotten that CN Sharma TV was closed down twice for being critical of the then government. Now, anyone who critiques or constructively criticizes the government or VP Jagdeo or President Irfaan Ali is harassed and / or intimidated. He or she loses job, resulting in loss of income. At press conferences, reporters who asked the PPP leaders the ‘wrong questions’ are targeted and worse are denied state resources.

Unaligned media houses, Stabroek News and Kaieteur News specifically, are warned of consequences of critiquing the government. In the past, state advertisements to both publications were withdrawn. The regime is pondering the same policy and even giving warnings.

Overall, there has been an unprecedented attempt to undermine our democratic institutions with threats against and / or warnings to those critical of the government and demanding transparency and accountability.


Yours truly,

Pt.Ubraj Narine, JP, COA

Former Staff Sgt.(GDF), Mayor

City of Georgetown

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