Democracy Begins at the Party Level

In the quest for a robust democracy in our beloved nation, all Guyanese must acknowledge that the foundation of democratic governance at the national level lies within our political parties. These entities – that form the government – serve as the training grounds for democratic principles, and it is imperative that they exemplify these values internally if we are to cultivate a thriving democracy in our nation.

The recent discourse surrounding the People’s National Congress Islahat (PNCR) sheds light on the critical importance of internal democracy within political parties. Former General Secretary of the PNCR, Amna Ally, boldly, and quite correctly, voiced her concerns regarding the leadership style of Aubrey Norton, the current leader of the party. Ally’s steadfast refusal to support what she perceives as autocratic leadership underscores her unwavering commitment to democratic principles. Further, it is no secret that her stated concerns are shared, and articulated by a number of Guyanese.

Ally’s stance, articulated in early March 2024, reverberated throughout the political landscape, sparking discussions about the need for accountability and transparency within our political institutions. By throwing her support behind Roysdale Forde S.C. for leadership of the PNCR, Ally not only expressed her dissatisfaction with Norton’s leadership but also championed the cause of internal democracy within the party.

However, Ally’s stance faced pushback from within the party itself. Sherwayne Holder, Chairman of the PNCR, initially launched a scathing attack against Ally, questioning her loyalty and accusing her of sympathising with the governing People’s Progressive Party (PPP). Yet, Holder later issued a public apology to Ally, acknowledging the need for unity within the party despite ideological differences.

The episode between Ally and Holder serves as a stark reminder of the pivotal role that internal democracy plays in shaping the trajectory of our nation’s democracy. A political party that lacks internal democracy not only undermines its own legitimacy but also jeopardises the democratic fabric of the nation if it were to ascend to power.

A pertinent example of the ramifications of non-democratic governance can be found in the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), currently at the helm of our nation’s government. Criticised for its lack of internal democracy, the PPP has often been accused of selecting leaders through opaque processes rather than through democratic elections. This erosion of democratic principles within the party has far-reaching consequences, casting a shadow over the legitimacy of the government’s actions.

Indeed, a government led by a non-democratic political party is susceptible to authoritarian tendencies, as leaders may wield power unchecked, disregarding the will of the people and entrenching themselves in positions of authority. In contrast, a political party with robust internal democratic mechanisms serves as a bastion against authoritarianism, fostering a culture of accountability, transparency, and inclusivity within its ranks.

Looking ahead, it is incumbent upon us as citizens to demand internal democracy within our political parties. For the membership of the PNCR, this means advocating for democratic principles at all levels of the party and resisting any attempts to subvert the democratic process inside the party itself. By upholding these principles, we lay the groundwork for a democratic Guyana where the voices of the people are heard and respected.

To summarise the argument, democracy begins at the party level. As we strive for a brighter future for our nation, let us remember that the strength of our democracy lies in the integrity of our political institutions. By championing internal democracy within our political parties, we pave the way for a more inclusive, accountable, and resilient democracy in Guyana.

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