Coalition Supporters Need Leaders Who Care About Their Lives

Politics is indeed a thankless job when done right. Some members of the parliamentary opposition are undoubtedly tired, some even worn down by the PPP’s corruption, deception, and outright abuse. However, we must remind them that this was precisely the job they signed up for. As politicians, they are called to forget about themselves and their personal interests and instead represent the very people who voted for them.

As a reminder to the public, following are the names of the parliamentary opposition members – Geeta Chandan-Edmond, Karen Cummings, Sherod Duncan, Annette Ferguson, Juretha Fernandes, Roysdale Forde, Aubrey Norton, Volda Lawrence, Vincent Henry, Christopher Jones, Coretta McDonald, David Patterson, Haimraj Rajkumar, Khemraj Ramjattan, Tabitha Sarabo-Halley, Natasha Singh-Lewis, Amanza Walton Desir, Ronald Cox, Shurwayne Holder, Ganesh Mahipaul, Nima Flue-Bess, Catherine Andrea Hughes, Maureen Allison Philadelphia, Deonarine Ramsaroop, Vinceroy Jordan, Dineshwar Nand Jaiprashad, Dawn Hastings-Williams, Richard Sinclair, Jermaine Figueira, and Devin Sears. It is instructive that we were called to research this list because we rarely hear from so many of them. [Source:]

Sadly, when we do hear from some of you, what we hear is disappointing. Why must you air your grievances before the public? We, the people, do not deva about your internal party politics. We have our own issues to grapple with. If you are suffering so much that you must engage the public with divisive party matters, then step aside. The only thing we want to hear from you is how you will shame, force, expose, and fight the brutal PPP regime that is causing untold suffering within our communities.

Additionally, we need to hear more from leaders like Geeta Chandan-Edmond (we hope you’re doing well), Karen Cummings, Vincent Henry, Haimraj Rajkumar, Tabitha Sarabo-Halley, Natasha Singh-Lewis, Ronald Cox, Maureen Allison Philadelphia, Deonarine Ramsaroop, Vinceroy Jordan, Dineshwar Nand Jaiprashad, Dawn Hastings-Williams, and Richard Sinclair. Comrades, you are not allowed to get tired while the people are suffering. We need you to unite, organize, engage and communicate a strategy for fighting the evil PPP.

Coalition supporters are demoralized. We need our leaders to present a plan to counter the PPP’s actions, which are rapidly making them an unappealing choice for 2025. Yet, the coalition leaders seem willing to throw away this valuable opportunity. It is mind-boggling. There is simply no room for publicly undermining each other–this must cease!, no room for public brawls, and circular firing squads while your supporters endure high costs of living, low wages, exclusion from contract opportunities, land dispossession, racial and political discrimination, disenfranchisement by a rigged GECOM list, and so much more.

To our coalition leaders, we say, “Get up and get to work, or move on!” The people are drowning here, and we need leaders who truly deva about our lives, not their own interests or petty squabbles. Rise to the occasion, or make way for those who will.

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