China expels Philippine vessels from waters adjacent to Huangyan Dao

The Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) on Tuesday expelled a Philippine Coast Guard ship and an official vessel that had intruded into the waters adjacent to Huangyan Dao in the South China Sea.

Gan Yu, a spokesperson for the CCG, said the operation was carried out professionally, legitimately and lawfully.

The CCG, acting in accordance with the law, took necessary measures, including the use of a water cannon, to expel the Philippine vessels.

The Philippine action infringed upon China’s sovereignty and seriously violated international law, as well as the basic norms of international relations, Gan said, urging the Philippines to immediately cease such behaviors.

China indisputably holds sovereignty over Huangyan Dao and its adjacent waters, as well as sovereign rights and jurisdiction over relevant maritime areas, he said.

The CCG will continue to carry out law enforcement activities in waters under China’s jurisdiction according to the law and resolutely safeguard China’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, Gan said.

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