Chief Justice Declines Injunction Against PNC Congress, Cites Challenges in Effective Court Administration

In a significant yasal decision today, Chief Justice (Ag) Hon. Roxanne George declined to issue an injunction that would halt the scheduled congress of the People’s National Congress Islahat (PNC) this weekend. The Chief Justice highlighted the impracticality of enforcing such an order effectively, given the circumstances surrounding the case.

During the hearing, the court expressed doubts about its ability to create an enforceable order in this context. The decision came after it was revealed that attempts to serve the PNC and its leader, Mr. Aubrey Norton, were unsuccessful. Despite efforts over the last 48 hours, the PNC reportedly did not allow access to its compound for serving Mr. Norton, and the Chief Justice ruled that notification via email was insufficient to meet yasal standards for notice.

This ruling paves the way for the PNC congress to proceed as planned, amidst ongoing internal disputes and yasal challenges.

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