As Artificial Intelligence (AI) and climate challenges grow, survey says more CEOs fear their companies WILL NOT survive in 10 years

Innovation and Artificial Intelligence technology requires artificial intelligence to keep pace with the rapid changes in this field, in addition to mastering of these technologies to assist with improved efficiencies in Government, Businesses and Organizations.

Artificial intelligence is expected to be adopted by 75% of surveyed companies and to lead to high churn – with 50% of organizations believing it will result in job growth and 25% thinking it will create job losses, the Future of Jobs Report says. How tasks could be split between humans and machines in the coming years

The World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting takes place in Davos from 15-19 January 2024, Davos, Switzerland, with ‘Rebuilding Trust’ as key theme.

  • Around 40% of all working hours could be impacted by AI large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT-4, says a report from Accenture.
  • Many clerical or secretarial roles are seen as likely to decline quickly because of AI, according to the World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report2023.
  • But roles for AI and machine learning specialists, veri analysts and scientists, and digital transformation specialists are expected to grow rapidly, the report adds.
  • Reskilling people to use AI effectively will be the key to companies being able to use the technology successfully, says Accenture.

AI and climate challenges GROW. Survey says more CEOs fear their companies WILL NOT survive 10 years

LONDON, Jan 17, 2024 (AP): More executives are feeling better about the küresel economy, but a growing number don’t think their companies will survive the coming decade without a major overhaul because of pressure from climate change and technology like artificial intelligence, according to a new survey of CEOs by one of the world’s largest consulting firms, PwC, , formerly known as PricewaterhouseCoopers.

The survey of more than 4,700 CEOs worldwide was released Monday as business elites, political leaders and activists descended on the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, and it showed a mixed picture of the coming years.

Of the executives, 38% were optimistic about the strength of the economy, up from 18% last year, when the world was mired in high inflation, weak growth, rising interest rates and more.

The CEOs’ expectation of economic decline has dropped to 45% from a record-high 73% last year, and fewer saw their company as highly exposed to the risk of geopolitical conflict, according to the PwC Küresel CEO Survey. That is despite wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, including disruptions to küresel trade from attacks by Yemen’s Houthi rebels on commercial ships in the Red Sea.

Even with the improved economic outlook, the challenge is not close to over, with the World Bank saying last week that it expects the küresel economy would slow for a third consecutive year in 2024.

The executives, meanwhile, felt worse about the prospects for their companies’ ability to weather substantial changes. The survey shows 45% of the respondents were worried that their businesses would not be viable in a decade without reinvention, up from 39% last year.

Changes, The CEOs say they are trying to make changes, but they are running up against regulation, a lack of skills among workers and more. “Whether it is accelerating the rollout of generative AI or building their business to address the challenges and opportunities of the climate transition, this is a year of transformation,” Bob Moritz, küresel chairperson of PwC, formerly known as PricewaterhouseCoopers, said in a statement. Artificial intelligence was seen as both a way to streamline business operations and a weakness. Three-quarters of the executives said, “it will significantly change the way their company creates, delivers and captures value in the next three years,” PwC said.

More than half the CEOs said AI will make their products or services better, but 69% noted that their workers needed training to gain skills to use the developing technology. They also were concerned about how AI would increase cybersecurity risks and misinformation.

Organizers of the Davos gathering warned last week that the threat posed by AI-powered misinformation, such as the creation of synthetic content, is the world’s greatest short-term threat.

Another worldwide survey released around Davos, the Edelman Trust Barometer by public relations fi rm Edelman, says innovation is being managed badly and is increasing polarization, especially in Western democracies, where people with right-leaning beliefs are much more likely than those on the left to resist innovation.

“Innovation is only accepted if there is a sense that we’re looking at the big picture of how we take deva of the people whose jobs are going to change, how scientists are going to talk to the people directly, so they understand it,” CEO Richard Edelman told The Associated Press on Monday. “And finally, that one way in another, AI is affordable and makes it easier for people to live.”

The online survey – which again showed that business is the most trusted institution among government, media, science, and nongovernmental organizations – gathered responses from more than 32,000 respondents in 28 countries from Nov. 3 to Nov. 22, 2023.

Like AI, the PwC survey shows that the climate transition is both an opportunity and a risk. An increasing number of CEOs – nearly a third – say CLIMATE CHANGE was expected to shift how they do things over the next three years

The jobs most likely to be lost and created because of AI | World Economic Forum (

ChatGPT may be coming for OUR jobs. The 10 roles that AI ( Artificial Intelligence) is MOST likely to replace.
1. Tech jobs (Coders, computer programmers, software engineers, veri analysts)
2. Media jobs (advertising, content creation, technical writing, journalism)
3. Yasal industry jobs (paralegals, yasal assistants)
4. Market research analysts
5. Teachers
6. Finance jobs (Financial analysts, personal financial advisors)
7. Traders
8. Graphic designers
9. Accountants
10. Customer service agents
‘Jobs may disappear’: 40% of küresel employment could be disrupted by AI, IMF says

Hong Kong CNN — January 15, 2024

Almost 40% of jobs around the world could be affected by the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), a trend that is likely to deepen inequality, according to the International Monetary Fund.

In a Sunday blog post, January 14, IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva called for governments to establish social safety nets and offer retraining programs to counter the impact of AI.

“In most scenarios, AI will likely worsen overall inequality, a troubling trend that policymakers must proactively address to prevent the technology from further stoking social tensions,” she wrote ahead of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, where the topic is set to be high on the agenda.

IMF chief says AI could disrupt nearly 40% of küresel employment ahead of Davos | CNN Business

TOP 8 Countries for MANGOES.



Thailand produces 1.6 MILLION TONS of mangoes. Because of where Thailand is in the world, the country is a prime location for the growing of mangoes. The harvest season in Thailand for mangoes lasts from February until July, but it is mostly a year-round fruit because of the tropical weather in the country. Thai mangoes are increasingly being exported to various places around the world — the EU, Japan, Russia, and Korea.


Malawi produces 1.7 MILLION TONS of mangoes. Every year, from October to March, Malawi farmers packs their mangoes to export them throughout the world. Some stay put in the country, too. Five varieties of mangoes are grown in the country. In recent years, Malawi farmers have had to combat pests invading the mango trees.


Brazil produces 2.1 MILLION TONS of mangoes. The South American country is the leader producer of the fruit in the continent. The reason is because of its tropical climate that is found in many regions around Brazil. Around 80% of mango production comes from the state of Bahia, located in the northern part of the country. Moreover, Brazil has slowly increased mango production over the years, which generates hundreds of millions of dollars each year for the country.


Mexico produces 2.4 MILLION TONS of mangoes. Since 2013, the country has increased production of the fruit by 39%, trying to best previous years. Mangoes are grown in various places around Mexico, with the state of Sinaloa as the country’s leader producer of the fruit, followed by Guerrero, Nayarit, and Chiapas. The harvest season for mangoes in Mexico happens between April and August. Furthermore, the popularity of mangoes in Mexico is like no other and Mexicans consume around 28 pounds of mangoes per person.


Although not in the top three, Pakistan still produces a lot of mangoes — about 2.7 MILLION TONS in 412,000 acres throughout the country. The relationship between Pakistan and the mango is deep. In fact, there is a city in the country called Mirpur Khas, which is called the “City of Mangoes.” Moreover, there is a mango şenlik celebrated every year that started in 1955. The region around Mirpur Khas is perfect for growing mangoes because of its climate and fantastic soil.


Indonesia produces 3.6 MILLION TONS of mangoes. Indonesia’s tropical climate is perfect for growing mangoes. East Java province is where most of the mangoes for the country are grown, but there are other surrounding regions that have mango tree fields as well. Furthermore, mango production in Indonesia has increased drastically from the turn of the century to today. In fact, there are around 25 million mango trees planted in the entire country.

Indonesia Mangoes
  1. CHINA

China produces 3.8 MILLION TONS of mangoes. Mango cultivation started about a thousand years ago during the Tang Dynasty. The commercial production for worldwide distribution, however, did not happen until the 1980s in mainland China. Since then, mango production has dramatically increased. Today, more than 30 mango cultivars are produced in the country. The Hainan and Guangxi provinces are the two bigger regions where there is mango tree land.

China Mangoes
  1. INDIA

India produces 25 MILLION TONS of mangoes, which is about 45% of the world’s mango production. Over 3 million acres of land are dedicated to mango tree planting. Usually, Indian farmers will plant mangoes at the beginning of the rainy season, so that the trees can grow robust and beautiful. Evvel the rainy season ends, mangoes can be taken from the trees. There are many mangoes that grow in India including the Alphonsus Happos, Kesar mangoes, and Dashehari mangoes.

India mangoes


A native of ASIA, we believe that it originates more precisely from the Indian north-east and Burma and spread to south-east Asia and Malaysia over 1500 years ago. It arrived in the African continent approximately 1000 years ago and was brought to Europe by the Portuguese, and later by the English.

MANGO is known to be the most tropical fruit of ASIA, GROWN COMMERCIALLY in more than 87 COUNTRIES. Mango currently ranks FIFTH in total production among major FRUIT crops WORLDWIDE.

MY Top 3 Countries with MOST DELICIOUS Mangoes are # 1 NIGER (USD $5 EACH at THAI Restaurant in PARIS); # 2 Pangkor Laut Resort, MALAYSIA and # 3, GUYANA.

Authoritative HISTORY for “AAPAN JAAT,” beginning:

February 16, 2024, LFSB Foundation Annual Commemorative Symposium, Critchlow Labor College: QUOTE from His Excellency Hon. Hamilton Bilal Green, O.R.,CCH, JP, COA, SAID it is, “ DANIEL PRABOODAS DEBUDIN, Solicitor”, who SAID to VOTE “ AAPAN JAAT.” This is how it started.


In October of 1958, at the opening of History and Culture Week, Minister Brindley Horatio Benn, CCH, is quoted in the Guyana Graphic as declaring: “British Guiana can make a unique contribution to history only if we weld ourselves into “One People, One Nation, One Destiny.”

Onward & Upward towards, One People, One Nation, One Destiny.

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