APNU Industry/Plaisance NDC Counillor writes Minister Parag on Chairman’s failure to hold statutory meeting

The A Partnership of National Unity (APNU) Councillors of the Industry/Plaisance Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) has expressed concern the People’s Progressive Party-led NDC is not holding statutory meeting, in violation of the Local Government law, and has written the Minister Sonia Paraj about it

In a letter seen by Village Voice News, APNU Councillor Rodwell Lewis stated the councillors are concerned about the flagrant disregard for statutory obligations by the Chairman of the NDC. Consequently, he stated, the Council saw it fitting to bring this matter to the minister’s attention, as well as to the residents of our NDC and the broader Guyanese public, with the utmost urgency.

Lewis pointed out that the failure of the Chairman to convene meetings “since September 2023, [is] a neglect that directly contravenes section 22 of the Local Government Act, Cap. 28:02 of the Laws of Guyana.”

The failure to hold these meetings, he reminded, hinders the Council’s work and impedes the democratic process vital for effective governance. “The established practice of monthly council meetings and committee sessions, as outlined in the Act, serves as the cornerstone of transparent and inclusive decision-making.” Regrettably, Lewis stated, the Chairman’s unilateral actions have undermined this foundation, leading to a series of injudicious decisions as outlined below:

Refusal to collect rates and taxes from lease lands’ occupants.

Unilateral reduction in processing fees for hangars at the Eugene F. Correia International Airport.

Discriminatory charging of burial fees, disproportionately affecting certain segments of our community.

Approval of building plans without essential input from environmental officers.

Issuance of directives to staff, misrepresenting them as ministerial mandates.

Unlawful employment practices, including nepotism and wrongful dismissals.

Appointment of family members to critical roles without due process.

Favoritism in the administration of rates and taxes.

Tolerating the erection of yasa dışı structures by supporters.

Inclusion of contentious directives in statutory meeting agendas without prior discussion.

Lewis contended while Section 38 of Cap. 28:01 may provide a measure of authority for interim decisions, it explicitly mandates subsequent ratification by the Council. Repeated cancellation of four council meetings, communicated via informal means such as WhatsApp, he stated, further underscores the Chairman’s disregard for due process and democratic norms.

The councillor cautioned, at this critical juncture it is imperative that the Council upholds principles of transparency, accountability, and collective decision-making. “The absence of regular statutory meetings not only undermines these principles but also disenfranchises both councilors and constituents alike.”

He implored upon the minister that every decision of consequence deserves thorough debate and ratification by the full Council, ensuring the diverse perspectives and interests of our community are duly considered. Further, he intoned, as elected representatives, they are duty-bound to safeguard the interests of their constituents and uphold the principles of good governance.

To this end, through Parag, who has responsibility for Regional Development and Local Government, the APNU councillors are calling upon the Chairman, alongside conscientious Councillors and the Overseer, to rectify this situation promptly. The APNU wants immediate action to be taken to schedule and convene overdue statutory meetings, allowing for robust scrutiny and debate as per established procedures.

This call is also extended to all fellow Councillors, transcending political affiliations, to join in advocating for a return to transparent and inclusive decision-making processes within the NDC. The effective functioning of local government hinges on our collective commitment to democratic norms and the equitable representation of all voices, Lewis concluded.

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